The Library of Henry Rogers Broughton, 2nd Baron Fairhaven Part II

The Library of Henry Rogers Broughton, 2nd Baron Fairhaven Part II

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 478. Sarah Stone | A mandarin duck, original watercolour drawing.

Sarah Stone | A mandarin duck, original watercolour drawing

Auction Closed

November 29, 03:25 PM GMT


5,000 - 7,000 GBP

Lot Details


Sarah Stone (c. 1760–1844)

A mandarin duck

370 x 295, window mounted, watercolour on paper, signed and dated lower left: S:Stone 1788

Sarah Stone (1760-1844) is one of rarest and most sought-after ornithological artists. She undertook commissions from both Sir Ashton Lever and John White, the Australian explorer and colonist. 


Samuel Lysons, signature on verso (possibly the antiquarian and engraver, 1763–1819)