Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2547. Various Artists (Qing Century) 顧概、丘岳等八家  | Landscapes and Poems 詩畫冊.

Various Artists (Qing Dynasty)

Various Artists (Qing Century) 顧概、丘岳等八家 | Landscapes and Poems 詩畫冊

Auction Closed

April 27, 04:56 AM GMT


80,000 - 120,000 HKD

Lot Details


Various Artists

(17th Century)

Landscapes and Poems

ink and colour on paper, album of eight leaves

1) painting by Gu Gai (active in mid-17th century), dated jiawu (1654) and with a dedication. Calligraphy by Wen Chongguang

2) painting by Yang Bu (1598-1657) and with a dedication. Calligraphy by Zhang Xia

3) painting by Qiu Yue (active in mid-17th century) and dated jiawu (1654). Calligraphy by Wu Su

4) painting by Lu Hong (active in mid-17th century), dated jiawu (1654) and with a dedication. Calligraphy by Qiu Yue.

each leave with one to three seals of the artist

with three collector’s seals of Dai Gongwang (active in early 19th century)

14.3 x 10.8 cm. 5⅝ x 4¼ in. (8)




設色紙本 八開





(書)(文寵光) 堪與芙蓉鬪色身,山中常伴歲寒人。無端一入華清去,脂粉朝來尚未匀。題楊妃山茶,次聖修韵,似孟成詞兄正。八十翁文寵光。鈐印:文寵光印





(書)(章夏) 竹徑輕烟鎖,茆亭暮靄藏。漁人舟作宅,牧豎犢爲床。月色隨波湧,風聲逐浪長。布帆乘夜桂,清嘯幾回狂。維舟江口之一。章夏。鈐印:字五夏、章夏、紫芝堂



(畫)(丘岳)甲午(1654) 秋,擬巨然筆意。丘岳。鈐印:丘岳之印

(書)(吳素) 萬壑千峰擁異書,經年曾共隱君居。因懷同好頻邀鹿,欲護傍生不飼魚。松下一聲猿少伴,溪邊獨立鷺能如。扣門僧謁頻留語,莫問林間故籠虛。吳素。鈐印:吳素印



(簽) 陸鴻,明遺民,吳江人,字叔達

(畫)(陸鴻)甲午(1654) 丹月,為孟成詞兄。鴻。鈐印:陸鴻

(書)(丘岳) 夜潭有仙舸,天月當水中。佳賓愛明月,游子驚飄風。雲月有歸處,故山清洛南。如何一花發,春夢遍江潭。丘岳。鈐印:五游、靜怡


14.3 x 10.8 cm. 5⅝ x 4¼ in. (8)

Please refer to the Chinese Literature.


1) Stephen Little編,《曹氏家族藏17世紀中國繪畫》,洛杉磯郡立美術館,2016,頁618-619,編號129

2) 戶田禎祐、小川裕充編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄.三編》第一卷,東京,1998,頁I-244,圖版A53-121-3