Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
12 April - 27 April 2022 • Hong Kong
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2501 Wang Chong; Peng Nian; and Wen Peng 王寵、彭年及文彭 | Poems in Running Script 行書七言詩
2502 Lan Ying 藍瑛 | Poem in Running Script 行書七言詩
2503 Mao Xiang 冒襄 | Calligraphy in Running Script 行草片語
2504 Qi Zhijia 祁豸佳 | Poem in Running Script 行書七言詩
2505 Zhang Yu 張敔 | Mountain Village 山居圖
2506 Gu Tianji 顧天植 | Scholar admiring waterfall 松下觀瀑
2507 Zhao Shuru 趙叔孺 | Flowers and insect 花卉蟲趣
2508 Zhao Zhiqian 趙之謙 | Flowers 花卉
2509 Attributed to Gao Kegong 高克恭(款) | Misty landscape 烟雨深間
2510 Wang Hui 王翬 | Landscape after ancient masters 仿古山水
2511 Wang Jian 王鑑 | Landscapes after ancient masters 仿古山水
2512 Anonymous (Previously Attributed to Sheng Mao) (傳)盛懋 | Fishing in a Boat 漁父圖
2513 Liang Tongshu 梁同書 | Two Letters to Wu Xiu 致吳修尺牘兩通
2514 Ma Quan 馬荃 (十八世紀) | Chrysanthemums 菊花
2515 Zhu Liangzhuo 朱良佐 (明) | Mountain Pavilion 竹溪納涼
2516 Su Xun 蘇濬 | Landscape after Dong Qichang 仿董其昌詩意圖
2517 Qi Zhijia 祁豸佳 | Landscape after Ni Zan 仿倪瓚山水
2518 Zou Zhilin 鄒之麟 | Mountain Village 山居圖
2519 Feng Qizhen; Feng Kebin 馮起震、馮可賓 | Ink bamboos and rocks 竹石圖
2520 Yang Fa 楊法 | Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script 篆書六言聯
2521 Chen Hongshou 陳鴻壽 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script 行書五言聯
2523 Dong Gao 董誥 | Landscapes 紙上天機卷
2524 Shen Zongqian 沈宗騫 | Landscape after Dong Qichang 倣董其昌倣董源山水
2525 Yao Wenxie 姚文燮 | Landscapes and Callilgraphy 書畫合卷
2526 Dong Qichang 董其昌 | Calligraphy in Four Styles 真行草書法卷
2527 Huang Yi 黃易 | Heading North by Boat in Spring 春帆北上圖
2528 Jin Zhaoshi 金造士 | Peach Blossom Spring 桃源春曉
2529 Wen Zhengming 文徵明 | Scenery of Mount Xi 西山圖
2530 Anonymous 佚名(明) | The Immortals 南極降靈圖
2531 Shi Zhong 史忠 | Studio beside Bamboos 竹亭話舊圖
2532 Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) 朱耷(八大山人) | Pines and Rocks 松林山石
2533 Zhang Bi 張弼 | Calligraphy in Cursive Script 草書絕句兩首
2534 Wen Jia 文嘉 | Winter Landscape 踈林落葉
2535 Li Shida 李士達 | New Year's Scene 歲朝圖
2536 Anonymous (Late Ming Dynasty) 佚名 (晚明) | Winter Landscape 雪山運糧
2537 Li Liufang 李流芳 | Sailing with a crane 雪江載鶴圖
2538 Attributed to Ma Yuan 馬遠(款) | Scholar Waiting for Ferry 野川待渡圖
2539 Chen Chun 陳淳 | Autumn Moon in Dongting Lake 洞庭秋月詩意圖
2540 Monk Xue-zhuang 雪莊| Landscape after Huang Gongwang 倣大癡山水
2541 Wang Hui 王翬 | Studio in Songshan after Lu Haoran 仿盧浩然嵩山草堂圖
2543 Shitao 石濤 | Flowers of Four Seasons 四季花卉
2544 Dong Qichang 董其昌 | Later Red Cliff Ode in Running Script 行書《後赤壁賦》
2545 Cheng Jiasui 程嘉燧 | Ink Landscapes 倣古山水
2546 Bian Wenyu 卞文瑜 | Album of Landscapes After Yuan Masters 仿元人筆意山水冊
2547 Various Artists (Qing Century) 顧概、丘岳等八家 | Landscapes and Poems 詩畫冊
2548 Dong Qichang 董其昌 | Chan Yue in Running Script 禪悅冊
2549 Leng Mei 冷枚 | Ladies in Palaces 漢宮仕女
2550 Attributed to Qiu Ying 仇英(款) | Eight Immortals of the Winecup 飲中八僊圖卷