Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

105 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

105 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)

Wang Chong; Peng Nian; and Wen Peng 王寵、彭年及文彭 | Poems in Running Script 行書七言詩

2501 Wang Chong; Peng Nian; and Wen Peng 王寵、彭年及文彭 | Poems in Running Script 行書七言詩

Lan Ying  藍瑛 | Poem in Running Script 行書七言詩

2502 Lan Ying 藍瑛 | Poem in Running Script 行書七言詩

Mao Xiang 冒襄 | Calligraphy in Running Script 行草片語

2503 Mao Xiang 冒襄 | Calligraphy in Running Script 行草片語

Qi Zhijia 祁豸佳 | Poem in Running Script 行書七言詩

2504 Qi Zhijia 祁豸佳 | Poem in Running Script 行書七言詩

Zhang Yu 張敔 | Mountain Village 山居圖

2505 Zhang Yu 張敔 | Mountain Village 山居圖

Gu Tianji  顧天植 | Scholar admiring waterfall 松下觀瀑

2506 Gu Tianji 顧天植 | Scholar admiring waterfall 松下觀瀑

Zhao Shuru 趙叔孺 | Flowers and insect 花卉蟲趣

2507 Zhao Shuru 趙叔孺 | Flowers and insect 花卉蟲趣

Zhao Zhiqian 趙之謙  | Flowers  花卉

2508 Zhao Zhiqian 趙之謙 | Flowers 花卉

Attributed to Gao Kegong 高克恭(款) | Misty landscape 烟雨深間

2509 Attributed to Gao Kegong 高克恭(款) | Misty landscape 烟雨深間

Wang Hui 王翬 | Landscape after ancient masters 仿古山水

2510 Wang Hui 王翬 | Landscape after ancient masters 仿古山水

Wang Jian 王鑑 | Landscapes after ancient masters 仿古山水

2511 Wang Jian 王鑑 | Landscapes after ancient masters 仿古山水

Anonymous (Previously Attributed to Sheng Mao) (傳)盛懋 | Fishing in a Boat 漁父圖

2512 Anonymous (Previously Attributed to Sheng Mao) (傳)盛懋 | Fishing in a Boat 漁父圖

Liang Tongshu 梁同書 | Two Letters to Wu Xiu 致吳修尺牘兩通

2513 Liang Tongshu 梁同書 | Two Letters to Wu Xiu 致吳修尺牘兩通

 Ma Quan  馬荃 (十八世紀) | Chrysanthemums 菊花

2514 Ma Quan 馬荃 (十八世紀) | Chrysanthemums 菊花

Zhu Liangzhuo 朱良佐 (明) | Mountain Pavilion 竹溪納涼

2515 Zhu Liangzhuo 朱良佐 (明) | Mountain Pavilion 竹溪納涼

Su Xun 蘇濬 | Landscape after Dong Qichang 仿董其昌詩意圖

2516 Su Xun 蘇濬 | Landscape after Dong Qichang 仿董其昌詩意圖

Qi Zhijia  祁豸佳  | Landscape after Ni Zan 仿倪瓚山水

2517 Qi Zhijia 祁豸佳 | Landscape after Ni Zan 仿倪瓚山水

Zou Zhilin 鄒之麟 | Mountain Village 山居圖

2518 Zou Zhilin 鄒之麟 | Mountain Village 山居圖

Feng Qizhen; Feng Kebin 馮起震、馮可賓 | Ink bamboos and rocks 竹石圖

2519 Feng Qizhen; Feng Kebin 馮起震、馮可賓 | Ink bamboos and rocks 竹石圖

Yang Fa 楊法 | Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script 篆書六言聯

2520 Yang Fa 楊法 | Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script 篆書六言聯

Chen Hongshou 陳鴻壽 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script 行書五言聯

2521 Chen Hongshou 陳鴻壽 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script 行書五言聯

Dong Gao 董誥 | Landscapes 紙上天機卷

2523 Dong Gao 董誥 | Landscapes 紙上天機卷

Shen Zongqian 沈宗騫  | Landscape after Dong Qichang 倣董其昌倣董源山水

2524 Shen Zongqian 沈宗騫 | Landscape after Dong Qichang 倣董其昌倣董源山水

Yao Wenxie 姚文燮  | Landscapes and Callilgraphy 書畫合卷

2525 Yao Wenxie 姚文燮 | Landscapes and Callilgraphy 書畫合卷

Dong Qichang 董其昌 | Calligraphy in Four Styles 真行草書法卷

2526 Dong Qichang 董其昌 | Calligraphy in Four Styles 真行草書法卷

Huang Yi 黃易 | Heading North by Boat in Spring 春帆北上圖

2527 Huang Yi 黃易 | Heading North by Boat in Spring 春帆北上圖

Jin Zhaoshi 金造士 | Peach Blossom Spring 桃源春曉

2528 Jin Zhaoshi 金造士 | Peach Blossom Spring 桃源春曉

Wen Zhengming 文徵明  | Scenery of Mount Xi 西山圖

2529 Wen Zhengming 文徵明 | Scenery of Mount Xi 西山圖

Anonymous 佚名(明) | The Immortals 南極降靈圖

2530 Anonymous 佚名(明) | The Immortals 南極降靈圖

Shi Zhong 史忠 | Studio beside Bamboos 竹亭話舊圖

2531 Shi Zhong 史忠 | Studio beside Bamboos 竹亭話舊圖

Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) 朱耷(八大山人)  | Pines and Rocks 松林山石

2532 Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) 朱耷(八大山人) | Pines and Rocks 松林山石

Zhang Bi 張弼 | Calligraphy in Cursive Script 草書絕句兩首

2533 Zhang Bi 張弼 | Calligraphy in Cursive Script 草書絕句兩首

Wen Jia 文嘉  | Winter Landscape 踈林落葉

2534 Wen Jia 文嘉 | Winter Landscape 踈林落葉

Li Shida 李士達 | New Year's Scene 歲朝圖

2535 Li Shida 李士達 | New Year's Scene 歲朝圖

Anonymous (Late Ming Dynasty)  佚名 (晚明) | Winter Landscape 雪山運糧

2536 Anonymous (Late Ming Dynasty) 佚名 (晚明) | Winter Landscape 雪山運糧

Li Liufang 李流芳  | Sailing with a crane 雪江載鶴圖

2537 Li Liufang 李流芳 | Sailing with a crane 雪江載鶴圖

Attributed to Ma Yuan 馬遠(款) | Scholar Waiting for Ferry 野川待渡圖

2538 Attributed to Ma Yuan 馬遠(款) | Scholar Waiting for Ferry 野川待渡圖

Chen Chun 陳淳 | Autumn Moon in Dongting Lake 洞庭秋月詩意圖

2539 Chen Chun 陳淳 | Autumn Moon in Dongting Lake 洞庭秋月詩意圖

Monk Xue-zhuang 雪莊| Landscape after Huang Gongwang 倣大癡山水

2540 Monk Xue-zhuang 雪莊| Landscape after Huang Gongwang 倣大癡山水

Wang Hui  王翬  | Studio in Songshan after Lu Haoran 仿盧浩然嵩山草堂圖

2541 Wang Hui 王翬 | Studio in Songshan after Lu Haoran 仿盧浩然嵩山草堂圖

Shitao 石濤 | Flowers of Four Seasons 四季花卉

2543 Shitao 石濤 | Flowers of Four Seasons 四季花卉

Dong Qichang  董其昌 | Later Red Cliff Ode in Running Script 行書《後赤壁賦》

2544 Dong Qichang 董其昌 | Later Red Cliff Ode in Running Script 行書《後赤壁賦》

Cheng Jiasui 程嘉燧 | Ink Landscapes 倣古山水

2545 Cheng Jiasui 程嘉燧 | Ink Landscapes 倣古山水

Bian Wenyu 卞文瑜 | Album of Landscapes After Yuan Masters 仿元人筆意山水冊

2546 Bian Wenyu 卞文瑜 | Album of Landscapes After Yuan Masters 仿元人筆意山水冊

Various Artists (Qing Century) 顧概、丘岳等八家  | Landscapes and Poems 詩畫冊

2547 Various Artists (Qing Century) 顧概、丘岳等八家 | Landscapes and Poems 詩畫冊

Dong Qichang  董其昌 | Chan Yue in Running Script 禪悅冊

2548 Dong Qichang 董其昌 | Chan Yue in Running Script 禪悅冊

Leng Mei 冷枚 | Ladies in Palaces 漢宮仕女

2549 Leng Mei 冷枚 | Ladies in Palaces 漢宮仕女

Attributed to Qiu Ying 仇英(款) | Eight Immortals of the Winecup 飲中八僊圖卷

2550 Attributed to Qiu Ying 仇英(款) | Eight Immortals of the Winecup 飲中八僊圖卷