Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2570. Anonymous 佚名 | Rubbing of Lanting Pavilion 拓本《蘭亭序》 .

Anonymous (Ming Dynasty)

Anonymous 佚名 | Rubbing of Lanting Pavilion 拓本《蘭亭序》

Auction Closed

April 27, 04:56 AM GMT


800,000 - 1,000,000 HKD

Lot Details



Song Rubbing of Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion

ink rubbing on paper, handscroll

Frontispiece by Wu Rui (1298-1355) and with one seal of his

Painting by Zhang Wo (?-circa 1356), signed

With three collector’s seals of Zhu Zhongxuan’s (1428-1502), one of An Qi’s (1683-?), one of Song Luo’s (1634-1714), one of Bi Yuan’s (1730-1797), nine of Zhang Ruoai’s (1713-1746), two of Song Baochun’s (1748-?), seven of Chen Chongben’s (18-19th century), one of Zhang Zhongyan’s (19th century), one of Huang Dejun’s (19th century), one of Luo Tianchi’s (19th century) and other thirteen collectors’ seals

Colophon by Song Ke (1327-1387) and with two seals of his; by Dong Qichang (1555-1636) and with two seals of his; by Yong Xing (1752-1823), dated yichou (1805) and with two seals of his; by Zhang Yuesong (1773-1842), dated bingshen (1836) and with two seals of his; by Zhang Zhongyan, dated bingshen (1836) and with one seal of his; by Wu Shifen (1796-1856), dated dingyou (1837) and with one seal of his; by Luo Tianchi, dated dingyou (1837) and with two seals of his; by Du E, dated dingyou (1837) and with three seals of his; and by Xu Bangda (1911-2012), dated jimao (1999) and with three seals of his

26.3 x 63cm. 10 1/3 x 24 3/4 in.


晉 王羲之《蘭亭序》

墨拓紙本(宋拓) 手卷





鑑藏印:珍秘、翰墨清賞、古皂可人、伯吾所寶、望之鑑賞、主忠信、花押印(三鈐) 、瑞符審定、臣謝修印(二鈐於騎縫)、張偉、幼文


(安岐) 安儀周家珍藏、安氏儀周書畫之章

(宋犖) 商丘宋犖審定真跡

(畢沅) 秋帆元印

(張若靄) 縕真閣、若木山房、鍊雪鑑定、晴嵐居士、鍊雪、晴嵐父、張晴嵐收藏印、縕真閣圖書記、清河張若靄晴嵐氏珍翫之章

(宋葆淳) 宋葆淳印、是本曾藏宋葆淳家

(陳崇本) 陳崇本收藏印、陳氏(二鈐)、家本陽羨商丘陳氏之章、崇本審定、伯恭所藏、伯恭秘笈之印

(張鐘彥) 鐘彥

(羅天池) 六湖

(黃德峻) 琴山曾觀





(張岳崧) 商邱陳伯恭先生所蓄古蹟,昔年在都多得寓目,自華嶽漢碑以外,佳者尚夥。當時所賞禊叙,獨不見此,讀成邱記,知為後獲之本,點畫凝滯處,轉益古穆,定武派又增家數,信無下拓也。此本歸吾友謝紫谿孝廉,出示屬跋,聊志數言。道光丙申(1836)張岳崧識。鈐印:岳崧之印、張氏子駿



(羅天池) 丙申仲秋過吳荷屋中丞筠清館,獲觀宋拓禊帖數種,內真定武五字不損本,渾厚古穆實為海內奇觀。此卷為復州本,氈蠟精良,洵屬南宋佳拓,其波撇容和處與筠清館所藏神致一絲不隔時乎。紫谿明府珍若頭目也。道光丁酉(1837)羅天池觀。鈐印:六湖、羅天池

(杜堮) 紫谿明府見示蘭亭宋搨復州本,視諸家拓本頗異,要其渾厚古之氣不可掩也!豈即所云南渡士大夫家刻一石者耶?由誤作申蓋昔之刻者留此間,為他時辨證地耳!道光丁酉(1837)夏至前一日,渤海杜堮觀并書後。鈐印:杜堮之印、石樵父號稚生


26.3 x 63cm. 10 3/8 x 24 3/4 in.

Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, 1 November 1999, lot 254

