Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3086. 溥儒 山水四幀 | Pu Ru, Tranquility in the Mountains.

溥儒 山水四幀 | Pu Ru, Tranquility in the Mountains

Auction Closed

October 8, 10:10 AM GMT


500,000 - 1,000,000 HKD

Lot Details


Pu Ru

1896 - 1963

Tranquility in the Mountains

ink and colour on silk, set of four, unmounted, framed 

signed, with 6 seals of the artist

each 25 x 24.5 cm 9⅞ x 9⅝ in.(4)


溥儒 山水四幀

設色絹本 未托裱 鏡框


〈一〉 竹院微風度,林亭暮景寒。心畬。

〈二〉 橫煙生水榭,斜照上雲峰。心畬。

〈三〉 晚山明夕照,秋樹隱村家。心畬。

〈四〉 竹逕迷寒雪,林泉度晚雲。心畬。


each 25 x 24.5 cm 9⅞ x 9⅝ in. (4)