Science: Books and Manuscripts

Science: Books and Manuscripts

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 29. Johannes de Sacrobosco | De sphaera, Venice, 1541, contemporary vellum, with other similar works.

Johannes de Sacrobosco | De sphaera, Venice, 1541, contemporary vellum, with other similar works

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2,000 - 3,000 GBP

Lot Details


Johannes de Sacrobosco, Peurbach, Apian and Glareanus

A group of four astronomical and geographical works in one volume, 1538-1541, all printed by Nicolini da Sabbio, comprising:

Johannes de Sacrobosco. Liber... de sphaera. (Venice: Giovanni Antonio Nicolini da Sabbio for Melchiorre Sessa, July 1541), woodcut of an armillary sphere on title-page, woodcut printer's device on final verso (otherwise blank), woodcut illustrations

Peurbach, Georg von. Novae theoricae planetarum... (Venice: Giovanni Antonio Nicolini da Sabbio for Melchiorre Sessa, March 1537), woodcut on title-page, woodcut illustrations, woodcut device on final verso

Apian, Petrus. Cosmographiae introductio cum quibusdam geometriae ac astronomiae principiis ad eam rem necessariis. (Venice: Giovanni Antonio Nicolini da Sabbio for Melchiorre Sessa, July 1541), woodcut on title-page, woodcut device on final verso

Glareanus, Henricus. De geographia liber unus ab ipso authore iam tertio recognitus. Venice: (Giovanni Antonio Nicolini da Sabbio for Melchiorre Sessa, August 1538), woodcut device on title-page and final verso

4 works in one volume, 8vo (151 x 100mm.), contemporary vellum, remains of two pairs of ties, occasional light staining, rebacked with vellum, textblock becoming detached

A Sammelband of complementary astronomical and geographical handbooks, often found bound together.


Edit16 32066, 32040, 13622, 21385; Glareanus: Alden & Landis 538/7