
Direct from the Cellar: Wines with Outstanding Provenance

By Simon Herriot

NEW YORK – When presenting Direct from the Cellar wine auctions here at Sotheby’s, we are offering an exclusive route to market for wines that are leaving properties’ cellars for the first time. Not only does this give global buyers an opportunity to purchase rare wines that have been cellared and released in optimum conditions, but a lot of the bottles may also have been reconditioned and had new (or even unique) labels, stickers or signatures applied. The appeal and importance of this to collectors is guaranteed provenance.

The opening collection in our Finest and Rarest Wines auction on 25 February has provenance at its heart, having been thoughtfully curated by a connoisseur who has a passion for acquiring wines that come directly from wineries or the most reputable cellars. Click ahead to explore highlights from this majestic selection.


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