IMPRESSIONIST, b. Saint Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Camille Pissarro. Photo: Bridgeman Images
Auction totals
Price confidence | Price momentum | Average lot Price |
51.2% | 47.2% | $3.5m |
Percentage of lots sold above low estimate | Change in average lot value 2022 to 2023 (H1) | Average lot value over the period 2018–23 |
(2018 to H1 2023) |
$8.7m | 2 | $4.4m |
Private sales value | Sold lots | Average price |
Top 10 artworks sold at auction
(2018 to H1 2023) |
1 | Gelée blanche, jeune paysanne faisant du feu | 1888 | Sotheby’s London | 4 Feb 2020 | $17.3m |
2 | La Rue Saint-Lazare, temps lumineux | 1893 | Christie’s New York | 11 Nov 2018 | $12.4m |
3 | Jardin et poulailler chez Octave Mirbeau, Les Damps | 1892 | Christie’s New York | 11 Nov 2019 | $10.3m |
4 | Le Boulevard Montmartre, fin de journée | 1897 | Sotheby’s London | 19 Jun 2019 | $9m |
5 | Le Pont-Neuf, après-midi de pluie, 1re série | 1901 | Christie’s New York | 11 Nov 2019 | $6.5m |
6 | Le jardin d’Octave Mirbeau, la terrasse, Les Damps | 1892 | Christie’s New York | 13 May 2019 | $6.2m |
7 | Paysage avec peupliers, temps gris, Eragny | 1899 | Christie’s New York | 8 May 2018 | $4.8m |
8 | Le Boulevard Montmartre, brume du matin | 1897 | Sotheby’s London | 19 Jun 2018 | $4.6m |
9 | La récolte des pois | 1887 | Sotheby’s Paris | 25 Mar 2021 | $4m |
10 | Prairie avec vaches, brume, soleil couchant à Eragny | 1891 | Sotheby’s New York | 12 Nov 2018 | $3.7m |
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