拍品 49
  • 49

象牙細密畫,法國畫派,約1810年 | 象牙細密畫,法國畫派,約1810年

6,000 - 8,000 GBP


  • 象牙細密畫,法國畫派,約1810年
  • gold, ivory, wood
  • 細密畫:4.7 x 3.1公分
oval, wearing a red and white uniform with gold epaulettes, possibly of a colonel of the First Cuirassier Regiment, with the star and badge of the Order of the Legion of Honour and the sash of the Order of the Crown of Westphalia, chased gold mount with blue enamel border, later rectangular ebonised wood easel frame

MN 4205


Jérôme Napoléon, King of Westphalia (1784-1860);
Prince Napoléon, 'Plon-Plon' (1822-1891);
Prince Victor Napoléon (1862-1926);
Prince Louis Napoléon (1914-1997)






The decree authorising the creation of the Order of the Crown of Westphalia was signed by Emperor Napoléon I on 25 December 1809, fulfilling Jérôme’s wish to have an order for the recently created Kingdom of Westphalia. Like the Legion of Honour, after which it was modelled, it was intended to be both a military and a civil award. The badge, suspended on a blue ribbon, comprised a crowned imperial eagle above a crowned demi-eagle demi-lion with supporters in the form of crowned lion (Kassel) and a horse (Westphalia). Although the order was abolished after the fall of the kingdom in 1813, Jérôme, who enjoyed the pomp and splendour associated with the royal court, continued to wear the insignia until his death. The motto of the order was ‘Charakter und Aufrichtigkeit’ - ‘Character and Honesty’.