拍品 1707
  • 1707

紅寶石配鑽石手鐲一對, BHAGAT

1,950,000 - 2,800,000 HKD
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  • Ruby, Diamond, White Gold
• 紅寶石共重約60.00卡拉
• 配鑽共重約30.00卡拉
• 鉑金鑲嵌
• 一隻手鐲附BHAGAT品牌刻名
• 內圓周約160毫米


Accompanied by Gübelin reports numbered 17011091 and 17011092, stating that the large majority of rubies tested are natural, of Burma (Myanmar) origin, with no indications of heating. For further details, please refer to reports.Signed Bhagat on one bangle and stamped PT950 on the other for platinum. Oval rubies of medium dark purplish red colour and strong saturation with natural inclusions, some surface reaching. Rubies estimated to weigh approximately 60.00 carats in total as gauged in the mount. Diamonds estimated to weigh approximately 30.00 carats in total, are on average F colour, VS to SI clarity, as gauged and graded in the mount. Metal shows signs of normal wear, otherwise in very good condition.
In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective qualified opinion. Illustrations in the catalogue may not be actual size. Prospective purchasers are reminded that, unless the catalogue description specifically states that a stone is natural, we have assumed that some form of treatment may have been used and that such treatment may not be permanent. Our presale estimates reflect this assumption.Certificates of Authenticity: Various manufacturers may not issue certificates of authenticity upon request. Sotheby's is not under an obligation to furnish the purchaser with a certificate of authenticity from the manufacturer at any time. Unless the requirements for a rescission of the sale under the Terms of Guarantee are satisfied, the failure of a manufacturer to issue a certificate will not constitute grounds to rescind the sale. Gemological Certificates and Reports: References in the catalogue descriptions to certificates or reports issued by gemological laboratories are provided only for the information of bidders, and Sotheby's does not guarantee and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, terms or information contained in such certificates or reports. Please also note that laboratories may differ in their assessment of a gemstone (including its origin and presence, type and extent of treatments) and their certificates or reports may contain different results.NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF SALE PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE.


附瑞士Gübelin證書(編號17011091 及 17011092,日期2017年2月20日)指紅寶石產地為緬甸, 未經加熱處理。



作為當世最偉大的珠寶設計師之一,巴加特大師( BHAGAT)一向擅長將中西文化、新舊審美融會貫通,體現出藝術及精湛工藝的完美結合。他的作品汲取了古印度文化的靈感,將伊斯蘭建築中輝煌的莫臥兒文明與當代審美的奢華感交織一處,天衣無縫,打造出獨具匠心的珠寶臻品。

巴加特的作品得以在紐約大都會博物館,巴黎大皇宮及倫敦大師展中頻頻亮相,在展現其橫溢的才華之餘,印度的當代珠寶設計也被他推向了嶄新的高度,並登上國際舞臺。2012年,巴加特大師被列入20世紀最重要的100位珠寶大師,並被錄入“The Impossible Collection of Jewellery”珠寶著作中。
