- 7
- Jan van der Heyden
- 《宮殿園景:人物從右側宮門徐徐步出,左有欄杆,後立拱門,遠處可見豪斯登堡屋頂》
- 油彩橡木畫板
His sale, Paris, 21 March 1794, for 7,200 francs;
Peter Rainier;
His deceased sale, London, Christie's, 24 May 1845, for £504 to Nieuwenhuys;
Baron de Varange;
His deceased sale, Paris, 26 May 1852, lot 23, for 22,100 francs;
Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Paris, by 1927;
Thence by inheritance to Baronne Alexandrine de Rothschild, Paris;
Confiscated from the above by the ERR (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg) after the German occupation of Paris;
Inherited by the present owner from his aunt in 2005.
E. Michel, Great Masters of Landscape Painting, London 1910, pp. 199, 200;
C. Hofstede de Groot, A Catalogue Raisonné..., vol. VIII, London 1927, pp. 398–99, no. 230;
H. Wagner, Jan van der Heyden, Amsterdam–Haarlem 1971, p. 101, no. 152.
"This lot is offered for sale subject to Sotheby's Conditions of Business, which are available on request and printed in Sotheby's sale catalogues. The independent reports contained in this document are provided for prospective bidders' information only and without warranty by Sotheby's or the Seller."
An elegantly dressed and clearly important young woman passes through the doorway of a massive triumphal arch, shielded from the sun by a parasol held by one of several attendants dressed in red. A young man prepares to offer a cloak watched by other similarly dressed young men. The scene is bathed in slanting sunlight from the right.
Although this is a capriccio, the distant cupola is based on the Huis ten Bosch near The Hague, and its two matching Garden Pavilions. Van der Heyden depicted the Huis ten Bosch in its formal garden setting in several paintings, most notable in pendants in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York dating from the later 1660s, one of which shows both pavillions, the northernmost in the foreground.1 Van der Heyden painted capricci of formal gardens framed by very grand monumental classical architecture of his own devising in a number of pictures, of which another good example is the architectural fantasy in Washington, National Gallery of Art of around 1670.2 The present picture is also likely to date from around 1670.
As in a number of works by Van der Heyden, the figures are likely to have been painted by Adriaen Van de Velde.
1. See P.C. Sutton, Jan van der Heyden, exhibition catalogue, New Haven and London 2007, pp. 158–63, nos 22 and 23, both reproduced.
2. Ibid., pp. 164–67, no. 24, reproduced.