The Remarkable Story of Titian and Tintoretto’s Return to Venice


A dazzling new exhibition in Venice brings masterpieces by Titian and Tintoretto back to their native city for the first time in 500 years. In this episode of Expert Voices, exhibition curator and Rubenshuis director, Ben Van Beneden explains the remarkable stories of both paintings that led to the idea for the exhibition at the famous Palazzo Ducale. The exhibition will also feature Flemish masterpieces by artists such as Rubens, Van Dyck and Martin de Vos, all of whom were inspired by the great Italian masters on their respective visits to Venice. ‘From Titian to Rubens – Masterpieces from Flemish Collections’ is on show at Palazzo Ducale, Venice, from 5 September 2019 to 1 March 2020. Sotheby’s is a proud sponsor of the exhibition. Following the exhibition, both the Tintoretto and the Titian will remain in the Doge’s Palace on long-term loan. Click here to watch more Sotheby’s videos.

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