Frank’s Files: Stories from the House of Verdura


The heir of Sicilian nobility, Fulco di Verdura was born into a world of luxury. But, when the family fortune was instead passed to his cousin, Fulco found the need to reinvent himself. He first moved to Paris to design for the legendary Coco Chanel, but in time would cross the Atlantic and conquer the world of American Jewelry. In this episode of Frank’s Files, Frank Everett meets with current Verdura president Nico Landrigan to explore the origins, designs and stories of the legendary New York jewelry house. Learn why – from 1939 to the present – Verdura’s iconic Byzantine designs have captured the attention of celebrities, aristocrats, and royalty. Fulco himself developed close relationships with his high profile clients, including Diana Vreeland, Cole Porter and Paul& Bunny Mellon. As one of the most storied jewelry houses in all of New York, Verdura holds a special place on 5th avenue and in the history of Jewelry. To watch more Frank’s Files, click here.

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