Exploring Richter’s Reinvention of Art History

28 JULY 2020 | LONDON

In a rare meeting of the minds, specialists from our Old Masters and Contemporary departments go head-to-head to discuss Gerhard Richter’s reinvention of landscape painting. Discover how Richter’s subject draws on a long and familiar artistic legacy - from heavenly Renaissance frescoes to John Constable’s cloud studies, J.M.W. Turner’s atmospheric skies and Caspar David Friedrich’s Romantic landscapes. ‘Wolken (Fenster) (Clouds Window))’ is the second headline work of our upcoming cross-category ‘Rembrandt to Richter’ Evening Sale (28 July | London). Spanning over 500 years of art history, this auction will draw the Old Masters together with 19th century, Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary artists.

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