Coloured Legacy: Precious Jewels that Connect the Generations


Jewellery tells the narrative of our history; they connect the past, the present, and the future. Precious metals and gemstones are nature's finest miracles not simply because of their dazzling beauty and rarity, but also because their inherent and enduring properties can offer a tangible link across successive generations. This single beautiful object is just the beginning, a future heirloom that becomes greater than its practical value, as its significance is magnified when it is passed down from the original owner into the hands of children, and then to grandchildren. Our wealth of memories give life to these precious keepsakes: a necklace for one’s wedding day, a ring to cherish a decade of marriage, a pair of earrings for a child’s eighteenth birthday, a bracelet to celebrate the birth of a grandchild. These talismans accord with the moments of a family’s traditions and heritage, bringing the past into view and creating a lasting legacy for the future. Discover our curation for the autumn series on some of the most treasured jewels in the world, to be cherished for generations to come. Here are some of our finest highlights on important signed jewels, one-of-a-kind contemporary designer pieces as well as rare gemstones.

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