前言 An Appreciation
蘇富比能夠有機會與梅潔樓於今春合辦「大師點滴 ─ 梅潔樓藏畫」展覽,是我們莫大的榮幸。
是次展覽,主辦雙方悉心挑選三十多件精品以供欣賞,如張大千 (1899-1983) 丈二花木四屏,齊白石 (1864-1957)、王震 (1867-1938)、溥儒 (1896-1963) 之八尺鉅幛,皆畫家難得一見的畢生力作;又如林風眠 (1900-1991)、吳冠中 (1919-2010)作品,俱見中西共融之獨特創作手法;又如一系列嶺南畫派代表人物畫作,題材廣涉山水、花卉、人物,展現各家在折衷中西前提下之藝術特色。雖然只屬梅潔樓收藏中極少部分,但每件作品無論是否出自南張北溥,或是嶺南精英手筆,皆能獨當一面,震撼非常。
Sotheby’s is delighted to join hands with the M K Lau Collection to present A Taste of the Masters – An Exhibition of Paintings from the M K Lau Collection this spring.
The M K Lau Collection began in the late 1970s and grew into an internationally renowned collection with museum-calibre Chinese paintings, thanks to the collector’s discerning taste and unparalleled dedication. The Collection is comprehensive and magnificent, with uncompromising standards on technique, beauty, and uniqueness of the subject matter. It bears witness to the journey on which 20th century Chinese paintings evolved from tradition to innovation; it reflects the integration of the old with the new, the East and the West in terms of artistic elements and creative techniques.
For the current exhibition, Sotheby’s and the M K Lau Collection have carefully chosen more than 30 paintings, including Zhang Daqian’s (1899-1983) four-panel Flowers and Trees of the Four Seasons, as well as Qi Baishi (1864-1957), Wang Zhen (1867-1938), and Pu Ru's (1896-1963) large-format masterpieces, each a rare tour de force by the respective great artists. Also featured in the exhibition are outstanding works by Lin Fengmian (1900-1991) and Wu Guanzhong (1919-2010), reflecting their own unique creative approaches to the integration of Chinese and Western traditions. Joining the selection are paintings by representative figures of the Lingnan School covering a broad range of subjects from landscape and flowers to plants and figures, as well as displaying the many artistic styles adopted by these pioneering artists at the crossroad of East and West. Although the current exhibition only represents a very small proportion of the M K Lau Collection, each work is stunning and unique.
On behalf of Sotheby’s and fellow art lovers, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude towards the M K Lau Collection for making this stirring and inspirational feast for the eyes possible.
Kevin Ching
Chief Executive Officer
Sotheby's Asia
「大師點滴 ─ 梅潔樓藏畫」展覽呈獻二十七位藝術家共三十六幅作品,從創作者所展露的技巧與才華,可體現出他們對三千年來水墨藝術傳統進程的深入了解,並透徹掌握宗師前輩精益求精的技巧與風格。然而,這些現代名師拒絕墨守成規,致力在創作上另闢新徑,成就了無數風格迥異的作品,由優美動人以至熱情奔放,不一而足。
把動物毛髮嵌進竹管而成的畫筆,在大師的巧手揮舞下,以各種精妙的手法、節奏、速度與力道,把水墨運用得淋漓盡致。所謂「墨分五彩」,是指從濃亮的黑色至最淺淡的灰色等不同層次的墨色。從是次多幅展品所見,水墨輔以其他色彩,既可重現唐代「青綠山水」的畫風,一如張善孖 (1882-1940) 、賀天健 (1891-1977)、溥儒 (1896-1963) 、 張大千 (1899-1983) 的作品,也能突顯創作者的國際視野與對西方文化的觸覺,當中以留學歐洲的林風眠 (1900-1991)、吳冠中 (1919-2010) 等名師的作品尤為顯著。
是次「大師點滴 ─ 梅潔樓藏畫」展品包羅萬有,意義深長,充分展現二十世紀中國畫啓迪人心的動人魅力。梅潔樓對蘇富比不懈的專業精神,專業知識和熱誠致以衷心的感激。
Four decades in the making, the M K Lau Collection's extensive collection of 20th century Chinese painting masters is a testament to an abiding commitment to and passion for the arts of brush-and-ink. With its first acquisitions as early as the late 1970s, the Hong Kong-based collection kept pace with developments in the field. Extensive travel throughout the region provided ever-increasing opportunities to look at, enjoy and assess the suitability of paintings for the collection, while the lively exchange of ideas and opinions with Chinese painting scholars and experts helped to propel the journey of collecting into one of connoisseurship.
A Taste of the Masters – An Exhibition of Paintings from the M K Lau Collection, displays 36 works by 27 artists. It provides an insight into the skills and talents of artists who possessed a deep understanding of the continuous 3,000 year heritage of this artistic tradition, as well as profound knowledge of the styles and techniques perfected by the masters who preceded them. But rather than solely reliving the past, the modern masters sought to express their own creative visions. The results are paintings that range from poetic and lyrical to boisterous and dynamic.
In the hands of a master, the brush, comprised of animal hairs or fur inserted into a bamboo tube, wields ink in an astonishingly nuanced range of gestures, rhythms, speeds and pressures. The 'five colours of ink' are a continuum of shades from a thick, glossy black to the lightest of greys. The addition of colour, as seen in many of the exhibited paintings, evokes not only classical Tang-dynasty blue-and-green landscapes as interpreted by Zhang Shanzi (1882-1940), He Tianjian (1891-1977), Pu Ru (1896-1963) and Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), but heralds an international outlook and Western sensibility, especially in the hands of artists such as Lin Fengmian (1900-1991) and Wu Guanzhong (1919-2010) who studied in Europe.
A Taste of the Masters – An Exhibition of Paintings from the M K Lau Collection, in giving a glimpse of the breadth and depth of the Collection, eloquently expresses the profound allure, sophistication and significance of 20th century Chinese painting. The M K Lau Collection is deeply grateful to Sotheby’s for its tireless professionalism, expertise and enthusiasm.
Catherine Maudsley
Curator and Senior Advisor, M K Lau Collection
Take a Virtual Tour of the Exhibition 線上虛擬展覽
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展覽 | Visit the Exhibition
2021年4月16 – 20日
16-20 April, 2021
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong