Prints & Multiples

Prints & Multiples

Prints & Multiples

Prints & Multiples

13 March - 20 March 2024 • London


1 Sunset

Sandro Botticelli (Birth of Venus, 1482), from Details of Renaissance Paintings

2 Sandro Botticelli (Birth of Venus, 1482), from Details of Renaissance Paintings


3 Kiku

$ (Quadrant)

4 $ (Quadrant)


5 Shoes

Ingrid Bergman, Herself

6 Ingrid Bergman, Herself

Bald Eagle, from Endangered Species

7 Bald Eagle, from Endangered Species

The New Spirit (Donald Duck), from Ads

8 The New Spirit (Donald Duck), from Ads

Mickey Mouse, from Myths

9 Mickey Mouse, from Myths

$ (1)

10 $ (1)

Muhammad Ali

11 Muhammad Ali

Mick Jagger

12 Mick Jagger


13 Lenin

Mick Jagger

14 Mick Jagger


15 Mao

Mick Jagger

16 Mick Jagger


17 Liz

Jacqueline Kennedy (Jackie II), from 11 Pop Artists II

18 Jacqueline Kennedy (Jackie II), from 11 Pop Artists II

Birmingham Race Riot, from Ten Works by Ten Painters

19 Birmingham Race Riot, from Ten Works by Ten Painters

Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan), from Ads

20 Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan), from Ads

Volkswagen, from Ads

21 Volkswagen, from Ads

Pine Barrens Tree Frog, from Endangered Species

22 Pine Barrens Tree Frog, from Endangered Species


23 Grapes

Leonardo da Vinci (The Annunciation, 1472), from Details of Renaissance Paintings

24 Leonardo da Vinci (The Annunciation, 1472), from Details of Renaissance Paintings


25 Neuschwanstein

Santa Claus, from Myths

26 Santa Claus, from Myths

Wilhemena Ross (Ladies and Gentlemen)

27 Wilhemena Ross (Ladies and Gentlemen)

Saint Apollonia

28 Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia

29 Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia

30 Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia

31 Saint Apollonia

Campbell's Soup Can (Tomato)

32 Campbell's Soup Can (Tomato)

Still Life with Figurine

33 Still Life with Figurine

Morton A. Mort, from Expressionist Woodcut Series

34 Morton A. Mort, from Expressionist Woodcut Series

Entablature VII, from Entablature Series

35 Entablature VII, from Entablature Series

Entablature IX, from Entablature Series

36 Entablature IX, from Entablature Series

Cheese Mold Standard with Olive

37 Cheese Mold Standard with Olive

Monica Nude with Matisse

38 Monica Nude with Matisse


39 Untitled

Untitled (from Growing)

40 Untitled (from Growing)


41 Untitled

Apocolypse IX

42 Apocolypse IX

Decade: Autoportraits, Vinalhaven Suite

43 Decade: Autoportraits, Vinalhaven Suite


44 Numbers

The American Dream #2

45 The American Dream #2

American Dream #5 (The Golden Five)

46 American Dream #5 (The Golden Five)


47 Decade

The American Dream

48 The American Dream