Frames from the Collection of the Richard Green Gallery | Part II
4 April - 10 April 2024 • London
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1 A Louis XIII-XIV carved giltwood flower corner frame
convex profile; with fanned foliate corners with sunflowers, rose and florets on a on a cross-hatched ground between shaped mirrored panels; cross-cut acanthus panels and corners; parcel-gilt and painted inlay
2 A Louis XIII carved giltwood garland frame with landscape orientation
torus profile; an undulating garland of bay leaves & berries flows around the frame from the sunflower at the top centre to the rose at the bottom centre, interrupted by the acanthus leaf corners; leaf-&-dart ogee at the sight edge
3 A Louis XIII-XIV carved giltwood flower corner frame
convex profile; with foliate back edge; sunflower corners, with roses, paeonies, narcissi and violets on a cross-hatched ground, between shaped mirrored panels; scrolling strapwork and leaf-buds at the sight edge
4 A Louis XIII-XIV carved giltwood flower corner frame
convex profile; with flowered back edge; with fanned lambrequin corners with sunflowers, roses, daisies, narcissi and violets on a cross-hatched shaped ground (showing cuts on all four rails) between mirrored panels; with corner panels of rolled acanthus leaf-tips on a hatched ground on the ogee at the sight edge; original gilding
5 A pair of Louis XIII- XIV carved & gilt limewood flower corner frames
convex profile; with cross-hatched fanned lambrequin corners with sunflowers and florets on a cross-hatched ground between shaped mirrored panels; acanthus leaf sight edge
6 A Louis XIII carved giltwood frame
bolection profile with torus; with beads at the back edge; continuous bay leaf & berry garland around frame, interrupted by acanthus leaf corners; leaf-&-dart sight edge
7 A Louis XIII-XIV carved giltwood frame
torus profile; with bunched bay leaves & berries and florets on a knotted ribbon, springing from top ribbon-bound centre to bottom ribbon-bound centre, with acanthus leaf corners, on a hazzled ground; imbricated leaf-buds springing from top centre to meet at bottom centre, on a hazzled ground.
8 A 17th century Louis XIII carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with cross-cut acanthus leaf-&-shield on the top edge; small centred imbricated leaves; acanthus leaf-tip at the sight edge; overgilded
9 A pair of 17th century Louis XIII carved giltwood frames
torus profile; with flowered back edge; undulating sprays of bay leaves & berries on the torus moulding, centred on all four sides with peonies, interrupted by acanthus leaf corners; acanthus leaf-tip at the sight edge
10 Reproduction Louis XIII-style frame, by Heydenryk of Amsterdam
torus profile; with enriched back edge; bunched bay leaf-&-berry on the torus, centred with sunflowers; ribbon-&-stave at the sight edge; gessoed, with paint and fragments of gilding; painted cream inlay
11 A Louis XIII (or later style of?) carved giltwood frame
torus profile; undulating bay leaves & berries flowing on each rail from a central sunflower to the corners; spiral ribbon moulding; flowered sight edge. Hessian or linen inlay
12 A 20th century Louis XIII-style carved giltwood garland frame
torus profile; with sunflower corners and a garland of oak leaves and acorns, bay leaves and berries, roses and roses-à-tiges, centred with sunflowers and roses, on a hazzled ground; acanthus leaf-tip sight edge
13 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with foliate corners on a diapered ground, and leaf-bud centres; with Bérainesque strapwork and leaf-bud decoration on a cross-hatched ground; sanded frieze; dentils at the sight edge
14 A Louis XIII-XIV-style carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with flute and dentil back edge; foliate corners with sunflowers, paeonies and daisies on a diapered shaped ground between mirrored panels; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf-tip and bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge; hessian inlay
15 A Louis XIV-style carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with dentils at the back edge; scrolling foliate corners with rinceaux, and foliate and shell centres with rinceaux; foliate strapwork at the sight edge
16 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
with dentil back edge; scrolling foliate corners on a diapered ground, and shell centres; Bérainesque scrolling foliate decoration on a cross-hatched ground on the frieze, with trellised and floretted centres; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf-tip at the sight edge; original gilding
17 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with scrolling foliate and the remains of fanned lambrequin corners, and scrolling foliate and leaf-bud centres, on a cross-hatched ground; scrolling foliate strapwork on a cross-hatched ground on the top edge; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf tip-&-bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge; much of the definition lost
18 A late 17th century Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
ogee profile; with flowered back edge; scrolling foliate, fanned lambrequin and cabochon corners on a diapered ground with hatched infill, and foliate, C-scroll and shell centres on a diapered ground on the long sides, and leaf-bud centres on the short sides, joined by scrolling strapwork, buds and tendrils on a cross-hatched ground on the ogee; sanded frieze; rolled acanthus leaf-tip ogee at the sight edge
19 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with fanned lambrequin corners on a diapered ground, and leaf-bud centres between sprays of florets and foliate rinceaux with cosses-de-pois on a cross-hatched ground; acanthus leaf-tips and buds on a hatched ground at the sight edge; some later regilding removed to show fine réparure
20 A fine Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
ogee profile; with scrolling foliated leaf-bud corners and centres with an enriched diapered ground, and strapwork leaf-bud demi-centres on a diapered ground, foliate strapwork with cosses-de-pois on a cross-hatched ground on the ogee; acanthus leaf tip-&-bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge; finely recut
21 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with scrolling foliate and fanned lambrequin corners on a diapered ground with hatched infill, and foliate strapwork and shell centres on a diapered ground, joined by leaf-buds and C-scrolls; sanded frieze; raking knull at the sight edge; bare wood inlay
22 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with foliate and fanned lambrequin corners on a diapered ground, and leaf-bud centres; with Bérainesque C-scroll and leaf-bud decoration on a cross-hatched ground; dentils at the sight edge
23 A 17th century Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
ogee profile; with dentil back edge; scrolling foliated strapwork corners with fanned lambrequins, and centres with iris flowers, on an enriched diapered ground, and demi-centres with leaf-buds on a diapered ground; with foliated C-scrolls on a cross-hatched ground on the ogee; acanthus leaf tip-&-bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge
24 A striking 18th century Louis XIV or -style carved giltwood frame; probably executed outside France
with convex profile; enriched back edge, with spiral leaf above; scrolling foliate and fanned lambrequin corners and centres on a trellised ground with hatched infill; scrolling foliate and strapwork with panels of trellised ornament enriched with florets with hatched infill on a cross-hatched ground on the ogee; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf-tip-&-bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge; described at constructed 'with period oak' reverse and 'softwood' (pinewood/lime, etc?) at the front; sophisticated réparure
25 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with scrolling foliate and strapwork corners and centres on a diapered ground, joined by scrolling strapwork on a cross-hatched ground; frieze; leaf-tip sight edge
26 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
ogee profile; with leaf-tip back edge; foliated strapwork and leaf corners on a diapered ground; C-scroll and shaped strapwork with leaf buds on a cross-hatched ground; acanthus leaf-tip ogee at the sight edge
27 A provincial Louis XIV-style carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with beaded back edge; scrolling foliate and leaf-bud corners; closely-packed alternating floral sprigs and leaf-bud decoration on the convex frieze; acanthus leaf-tip at the sight edge
28 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with scrolling foliate and strapwork corners and centres on a cross-hatched ground, joined by scrolling strapwork on a more finely cross-hatched ground; sanded frieze; dentil sight edge; the ornament worn and misplaced by alteration
29 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with C-scroll foliate corners and leaf-bud lateral centres on a diapered ground, and misaligned and skewed upper and lower C-scroll and bud centres on a diapered ground, all separated by leaf-buds on a cross-hatched ground; sanded frieze; dentil sight edge; the ornament worn, obscured and pushed out of true by alteration
30 An Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with scrolling foliate corners and strapwork centres on a diapered ground, joined by scrolls and buds on a cross-hatched ground; dentil sight edge; the ornament worn, lost and obscured by alteration
31 A late 17th century Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
ogee profile; with knulled back edge; scrolling foliate and fanned lambrequin corners on a diapered ground; Bérainesque scrolling strapwork enriched with leaves, florets and leaf-buds on the ogee; gadrooned sight edge centred with acanthus leaf-tips
32 A late 17th-early 18th century French Louis XIV carved giltwood frame, much reduced, compromising the decoration
ogee profile; with scrolling foliate strapwork and leaf-bud ornament on a cross-hatched ground on the ogee; flowered sight edge on a hatched ground; over-gilded
33 A Louis XIV carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with scrolling foliate and strapwork corners on a diapered ground, and leaf-bud centres with scrolling strapwork on a cross-hatched ground; frieze; acanthus leaf-tip sight edge
34 A 19th century Louis XIV-style carved frame
ogee profile; with heart-shaped and leaf corners and leaf and floret centres, joined by S-scrolls on a cross-hatched ground on the ogee; dentil sight edge
35 A Louis XIV-style carved giltwood frame with the appearance of a reproduction
ogee profile; scrolling foliate, strapwork and leaf-bud corners and centres; with scrolling foliate strapwork, floral sprigs and buds on an enriched diapered ground on the ogee; acanthus leaf-tip at the sight edge
36 A set of four frames
37 A mid-18th century French carved giltwood architectural frame
bolection profile
38 A French 18th century provincial-style carved giltwood frame
convex profile; with strapwork knots enriched with florets and lozenges on a hatched ground, and acanthus leaf corners; the shaped and pierced acanthus leaf-tip sight overlying the sight edge
39 A French Régence or later carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with a cabochon chain at the back edge; enriched raking flute at the top edge; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf tip-&-bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge
40 A Régence carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with straight edge gadrooned top rail; scrolling foliate leaf corners and shell centres trailing rinceaux in the hollow; sanded frieze; acanthus and bud sight edge
41 A handsome early 18th century Régence carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with acanthus leaf-tip at the back edge; scrolling foliate corners with floral paterae roundels, and scrolling foliate and shell centres, on a punched ground; a knulled chain at the top edge; strapwork lozenge demi-centres on a hatched ground and trailing roses-à-tiges on a cross-hatched ground in the hollow; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf and bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge
42 A Régence carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with foliate and fanned lambrequin corners on a diapered ground, trailing floretted rinceaux along the hollow; acanthus leaf-tips and buds on a hatched ground at the sight edge
43 An altered 20th century reproduction Louis XIV-XV style carved giltwood frame
shallow ogee profile; with a combination of decoration from different periods: raking knull at back edge; scrolling foliate and rocaille corners, rocaille C-scroll and leaf-bud centres on the long sides, and flower and leaf sprig centres on the short sides, with trailing floral rinceaux on the ogee, all on a cross-hatched ground; sanded frieze; scrolling strapwork and bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge
44 A set of two French baguette frames
45 An 18th century Louis XV provincial carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with ovolo chain at back edge; scrolling foliate and rocaille corners with punched ground; S-scrolled top edge; trailing floral sprigs on shaped diapered panels in the hollow, between engraved centred arabesques; acanthus leaf tip and bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge
46 A French Rococo carved giltwood frame, enlarged at some point
concave profile; with acanthus leaf-tip and bud with miniature fluting on the ground at the back edge; pierced and scrolling foliate rocaille and shell corners with cross-hatched panels, fringed with rocailles, and pierced scrolling foliate rocaille and cabochon centres, fringed with rocailles; S-scrolled top edge enriched with ribbon-bound fasces; trailing floral rinceaux in the hollow; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf-&-shield on a textured ground at the sight edge
47 An 18th century French Rococo carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with ovolo chain at the back edge; pierced scrolling foliate and rocaille corners and centres, and small pierced leaf demi-centres; with undercut scrolling floral rinceaux in the hollow; sanded frieze; acanthus leaf tip-&-bud on a hatched ground at the sight edge
48 An 18th century French Rococo carved giltwood frame
concave profile; with ovolo chain at the back edge; scrolling foliate, rocaille and cabochon corners, and asymmetric pierced and scrolled rocaille centres with wings; S-scrolled top edge; undercut scrolling rinceaux in the hollow, which is bordered with a raking rocaille motif; sanded frieze; miniature scrolling strapwork and leaf-bud at the sight edge