Bibliotheca Brookeriana: A Renaissance Library Part V

Bibliotheca Brookeriana: A Renaissance Library Part V

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 1129. Jewel, A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, London, 1567, contemporary English medallion binding.

Jewel, A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, London, 1567, contemporary English medallion binding

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Lot Details


JEWEL, JOHN. A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge, and entituled, A confutation of &c. By Iohn Iewel Bishop of Sarisburie. London: Henry Wykes, 27 October 1567

An uncommon English medallion binding. The Morocco Binder, thought to be a French immigrant, was active in London in the 1560s and 1570s, making bindings for Archbishop Matthew Parker, the Earl of Leicester and Queen Elizabeth. Only two bindings with plaquettes of classical authors are known: the present volume contains four plaquettes on each cover, depicting Cato, Cicero, Plato, and Xenocrates; the other (British Library, C.24.c.14) has just the two plaquettes of Cato and Cicero, impressed twice on each cover. The source of the portraits has been identified as René Boyvin, whose engravings were published in Paris in 1566.

Folio (281 x 197 mm). Roman, gothic, italic, and Greek type. collation: A-B6 A-3P6 3Q8 3R6: 391 leaves (of 392, lacking 3R6). Issue with "foorthe" spelling in line 4 of title-page, title-page with woodcut device, early modern ink marginalia. (Dampstaining, mostly marginal, from p. 243 onwards, thin worm trail to pp. 367-74, small rust hole to 3 leaves, repair with small loss of text to one preliminary leaf.)

binding: Contemporary English calf (293 x 198 mm) by the "Morocco Binder", covers with gilt border, azured leafy cornerpieces, oval strapwork centrepiece in a semé of small flowers surrounded by four gilt medallion portraits (Plato, Cato, Xenocrates, and Cicero), flat spine tooled with alternate foliate bands and bands filled with small stars, red speckled edges. (Restored at extremities of spine and corners.)

provenance: Plausibly John Walronde, rector of Combe Raleigh (Diocese of Exeter) from 1555-58, inscription of "J. Waldronde" to title-page — plausibly Robert Cosines (d.1596), vicar of Frampton (Diocese of Bristol), inscription to title-page ("Robert Cossins booke bought of Mr John Waldronde... with a booke of matters and A booke on the epistoll of philemon") — plausibly John Parkins of Dorset (1571-1640), merchant and politician, pen trial ("John Parkinys") on 3B5r — George Moberly (1803-1885), ownership inscription ("Balliol College Oxford 1832") and biographical note on John Jewel in Moberly's hand on verso of dedication leaf — James Patrick Ronaldson Lyell (1871-1948), his sale, Hodgson & Co., London, 20-21 July 1950, lot 270, bought by Maggs Bros, London for £7 10s — William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore, 4th Baron Harlech (1885-1964), by descent to — Jasset David Cody Ormsby-Gore, 7th Baron Harlech (b. 1986), his sale, Bonhams, London, 29 March 2017, lot 253. acquisition: Purchased at the preceding sale. references: ESTC S112182; STC 14600; USTC 506659; Anthony Hobson, Humanists and bookbinders (Cambridge 1989), p. 146: ("All four plaquettes [Cicero, Cato, Plato, Xenocrates] occurred on a copy of Bishop Jewel's A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of England... in the J.P.R. Lyell collection"); Robin Halwas, "Two English bindings decorated with plaquettes designed by René Boyvin", Web, Accessed 14.10.2024