Asian Arts / 5000 Years
23 April - 30 April 2024 • Paris
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1 A group of eight fan paintings, Qing dynasty - Republican period | 清至民國 山水詩翰扇面 設色紙本及設色絹本 扇面八幀
2 A pair of gilt-bronze and cloisonné enamel figures of immortal on a qilin, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 掐絲琺瑯纏麒麟送子擺件
3 A gilt-bronze and cloisonné enamel 'lotus' box and cover, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 掐絲琺瑯蓮紋方蓋盒
4 A Canton enamel 'dragon' basin, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing - Daoguang period | 清嘉慶至道光 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯龍紋大盤
5 A zitan square brushpot inset with gilt-decorated 'dragon' porcelain plaques, Qing dynasty | 清 紫檀嵌描金龍紋瓷板筆筒
6 A wood silver-inlaid and white jade inset ruyi sceptre and a celadon jade 'lion' incense burner and cover, Republican period | 民國 木錯銀嵌白玉如意 及 清白玉瑞獸鈕雙龍活環耳瓜棱式三足蓋爐 一組兩件
7 A group of jade and jadeite scholar’s implements and ornaments, Qing dynasty - Republican period | 清至民國 玉雕及翠玉雕文房器一組七件
8 A spinach-green jade 'chilong' censer and cover, Qing dynasty | 清 碧玉龍耳蓋爐
9 A carved celadon jade 'chilong' plaque, Yuan - Ming dynasty | 元至明 青白玉螭龍紋牌
10 A gilt-bronze figure of Amitayus, Mongolia, 18th - 19th century | 蒙古 十八至十九世紀 鎏金銅無量壽佛坐像
11 Two pale celadon jade archaistic handled cups, 17th - 18th century | 十七至十八世紀 青白玉仿古盃 一組两件
12 A Qingbai lobed cosmetic box and cover, Yuan dynasty | 元 白釉花卉紋胭脂蓋盒
13 A 'Longquan' celadon-glazed 'turtle' stem cup, Song - Ming dynasty | 宋至明 龍泉窰青釉龜紋高足盃
14 An archaistic bronze vase (Hu), Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 銅仿古紋壺
15 A group of four scholar’s implements, Late Qing dynasty - Republican period | 清末至民國 文房器一組四件
16 Youqua (fl. 1840-1880) 煜呱(活躍於1840-1880年) | Exotic fruits 珍果圖冊
17 A polychrome lacquer 'lychee' box and cover, Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 剔彩雙荔枝式蓋盒
18 Two rubbings of the imperial steles, Qing dynasty | 舊拓 《 乾隆石經》碑拓本及《開成石經》碑拓本
19 A group of personal effects of Père Ducarme, circa 1900-1933 | 杜嘉梅神父私人物品 約1900至1933年
20 A group of scholar's implements, circa 1900 - 1933 | 約1900至1933年 文房器一組七件
21 A rare album of illuminated Daoist sutra ‘Taishang xuanling beidou benming yansheng benming zhenjing’, Jiajing period, dated to the renyin year (in accordance with 1542) | 明嘉靖壬寅年(1542年) 《太上玄靈北斗本命延生真經》
22 A group of ceramics, paintings and frames from the Père Ducarme collection, circa 1900 - 1933 | 約1900至1933年 杜嘉梅神父瓷器及繪畫收藏 一組十一件
23 A famille-verte 'dragon' brushpot, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 五彩龍紋筆筒
24 A group of approximately 80 Asian art reference books and dealer catalogues on painting, jades, ancient bronzes and buddhist art | 亞洲書畫、玉器、青銅器及佛教參考書籍 一組八十本
25 A group of approximately 58 Asian art reference books and dealer catalogues on ceramics | 亞洲陶瓷參考書籍 一組五十八本
26 A group of approximately 65 Asian art reference books and dealer catalogues on furniture and decorative art | 亞洲家俱與裝飾藝術書籍 一組約六十五本
27 A group of approximately 74 Asian art reference books and dealer catalogues | 亞洲藝術參考書籍 一組七十四本
28 A collection of approximately 240 Asian art magazines | 亞洲藝術雜誌一組約240冊
29 A group of approximately 90 reference books, auction and dealer catalogues on Japanese, Korean and Chinese art | 日本、韓國及中國藝術書籍 一組約九十本
30 A collection of approximately 380 Asian art auction catalogues from 1960s to 2020s and magazines | 1960年代至2020年代 亞洲藝術拍賣圖錄一組約380冊
31 V. F. Weber, Ko-ji Hôten: Dictionnaire à l'Usage des Amateurs et Collectionneurs d'Objets d'Art Japonais et Chinois, Vols. I-II, Paris, 1923 | V. F. 偉伯《古事寶典》 巴黎 1993年 一套兩冊
32 A bronze and cloisonné enamel 'grape' tripod incense burner, Late Ming dynasty, 16th - 17th century | 明末 十六至十七世紀 掐絲琺瑯葡萄紋沖天耳三足爐
33 A large pair of cloisonné enamel vases and covers, Japan, Meiji period | 日本 明治 掐絲琺琅大蓋瓶一對
34 A group of six scholar's implements, Qing dynasty and 20th century | 清及二十世紀 文房器一組六件
35 A rare large garlic-mouth bronze ‘dragon’ vase, Qing dynasty, 17th century | 清十七世紀 銅雕龍紋蒜頭瓶.
36 A celadon and russet jade carving of qilin, Ming dynasty or later | 明或以後 青玉雕麒麟把件
37 An archaistic bronze vase, 17th century | 十七世紀 銅仿古琮式瓶
38 An archaistic jade axe, a bronze tripod incense burner and a pair of bronze stirrups, Qing dynasty and 20th century | 清及二十世紀 玉鏟 及 銅雙耳三足爐 及 銅馬鐙一對 一組四件
39 A soapstone figure of Guanyin, probably 20th century | 或二十世紀 壽山石觀音坐像
40 A pair of gilt-bronze and cloisonné enamel rouleau vases, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 掐絲琺瑯纏棒槌瓶一對
41 A white jade 'lotus' plaque, Qing dynasty | 清 白玉蓮蓬紋珮
42 A group of three jade and hardstones carvings of cats and one coral standing figure of Guanyin, Qing dynasty | 清 玉石及硬石雕貓 及 紅珊瑚雕觀音立像 一組四件
43 A cloisonné enamel tripod ‘lotus’ censer, Qing dynasty | 清 掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋三足爐
44 A group of five jade carvings, Qing dynasty | 清 玉雕一組五件
45 A group of four carved agate implements and a spinach-green jade miniature vase, Qing dynasty | 清 瑪瑙雕文房器 及 碧玉雕小瓶 一組五件
46 A small carved cinnabar lacquer table, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century | 清十七至十八世紀 剔紅花卉紋小方桌
47 A yellow and russet jade bixie, Qing dynasty or earlier | 清或更早 黃玉雕辟邪把件
48 A silver-inlaid bronze figure of Guanyin, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 銅錯銀觀音立像