Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

A turquoise-inlaid gilt-copper alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳銅鎏金嵌綠松石觀音坐像

1 A turquoise-inlaid gilt-copper alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳銅鎏金嵌綠松石觀音坐像

A gilt-copper figure of Yama, Tibet, 17th century | 十七世紀 藏傳銅鎏金閻摩坐像

2 A gilt-copper figure of Yama, Tibet, 17th century | 十七世紀 藏傳銅鎏金閻摩坐像

A bronze seated figure of the arhat Bakula, Tibet, 18th century | 十八世紀 藏傳銅阿羅漢坐像

3 A bronze seated figure of the arhat Bakula, Tibet, 18th century | 十八世紀 藏傳銅阿羅漢坐像

A carved wood sutra book cover, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳木刻護經板

4 A carved wood sutra book cover, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳木刻護經板

A silver and copper-inlaid copper alloy seated figure of Tsangnyön Heruka, Tibet, circa 16th century | 約十六世紀 藏傳銅合金錯銀銅赫魯嘎坐像

5 A silver and copper-inlaid copper alloy seated figure of Tsangnyön Heruka, Tibet, circa 16th century | 約十六世紀 藏傳銅合金錯銀銅赫魯嘎坐像

A rare silk thangka depicting Bhaisajyaguru, Tibet, 17th century, attributed to Choying Gyatso workshop | 十七世紀 藏傳藥師佛唐卡 絹本設色

6 A rare silk thangka depicting Bhaisajyaguru, Tibet, 17th century, attributed to Choying Gyatso workshop | 十七世紀 藏傳藥師佛唐卡 絹本設色

A finely cast gilt-copper seated figure of a Boddhisattva, Tibet, 17th or early 18th century | 十七世紀或十八世紀初 藏傳銅鎏金菩蕯坐像

7 A finely cast gilt-copper seated figure of a Boddhisattva, Tibet, 17th or early 18th century | 十七世紀或十八世紀初 藏傳銅鎏金菩蕯坐像

A gilt-bronze figure of Mahakala, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅瑪哈嘎啦立像

8 A gilt-bronze figure of Mahakala, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅瑪哈嘎啦立像

A gilt-copper alloy figure of Pehar, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清 十八世紀 銅合金鎏金白哈爾王坐像

9 A gilt-copper alloy figure of Pehar, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清 十八世紀 銅合金鎏金白哈爾王坐像

A rare gilt-bronze figure of Simhamukha, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金獅面空行佛母立像

10 A rare gilt-bronze figure of Simhamukha, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金獅面空行佛母立像

A gilt-bronze figure of Vajradaka, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清 十八世紀 銅鎏金噉食空行母坐像

11 A gilt-bronze figure of Vajradaka, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清 十八世紀 銅鎏金噉食空行母坐像

A gilt-bronze figure of Amitayus, Mark and period of Qianlong, dated gengyin year, corresponding to 1770 | 清乾隆庚寅年(1770年) 鎏金銅無量壽佛坐像 《大清乾隆庚寅年敬造》款

12 A gilt-bronze figure of Amitayus, Mark and period of Qianlong, dated gengyin year, corresponding to 1770 | 清乾隆庚寅年(1770年) 鎏金銅無量壽佛坐像 《大清乾隆庚寅年敬造》款

Two small parcel-gilt copper alloy figures of Shariputra and Maudgalyayana, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 局部鎏金銅合金舍利弗及目犍連坐像 一組兩尊

13 Two small parcel-gilt copper alloy figures of Shariputra and Maudgalyayana, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 局部鎏金銅合金舍利弗及目犍連坐像 一組兩尊

A gilt-bronze seated figure of White Tara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金白度母坐像

14 A gilt-bronze seated figure of White Tara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金白度母坐像

A gilt-bronze figure of Vajrabhairava, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 鎏金銅怖畏金剛立像

15 A gilt-bronze figure of Vajrabhairava, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 鎏金銅怖畏金剛立像

A rare turquoise-inlaid gilt-copper alloy figure of Guhyasamaja, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳銅鎏金嵌寶密集金剛坐像

16 A rare turquoise-inlaid gilt-copper alloy figure of Guhyasamaja, Tibet, 15th century | 十五世紀 藏傳銅鎏金嵌寶密集金剛坐像

A silver and copper-inlaid copper alloy seated figure of Padmasambhava, Tibet, 16th century | 十六世紀 藏傳銅合金錯銀銅蓮花生大士坐像

17 A silver and copper-inlaid copper alloy seated figure of Padmasambhava, Tibet, 16th century | 十六世紀 藏傳銅合金錯銀銅蓮花生大士坐像

A copper alloy standing figure of Mahakala, Tibet, 18th century | 十八世紀 藏傳合金銅大黑天立像

18 A copper alloy standing figure of Mahakala, Tibet, 18th century | 十八世紀 藏傳合金銅大黑天立像

A gilt-copper figure of Sita Jambhala, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金五姓財神坐像

19 A gilt-copper figure of Sita Jambhala, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金五姓財神坐像

A gilt-bronze figure of Vayu Deva, Qing dynasty, late 18th century | 清十八世紀末 鎏金銅伐由坐像

20 A gilt-bronze figure of Vayu Deva, Qing dynasty, late 18th century | 清十八世紀末 鎏金銅伐由坐像

A gilt-bronze figure of a Pehar, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金白哈爾王坐像

21 A gilt-bronze figure of a Pehar, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金白哈爾王坐像

A rare gilt-copper alloy figure of Manibhadra, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅合金鎏金瑪尼缽陀羅坐像

22 A rare gilt-copper alloy figure of Manibhadra, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅合金鎏金瑪尼缽陀羅坐像

A gilt-bronze figure of Yama Dharmaraja, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅閻摩法王立像

23 A gilt-bronze figure of Yama Dharmaraja, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅閻摩法王立像

An inlaid gilt-copper repoussé kriss depicting Buta Sari, Indonesia, Bali, probably 20th century | 印尼巴里島 或二十世紀 格里斯嵌寶劍

24 An inlaid gilt-copper repoussé kriss depicting Buta Sari, Indonesia, Bali, probably 20th century | 印尼巴里島 或二十世紀 格里斯嵌寶劍

A gilt-bronze figure of Mahakala, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金大黑天立像

25 A gilt-bronze figure of Mahakala, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金大黑天立像

A rare copper alloy figure of Ugra Tara, Nepal, 16th century | 尼泊爾 十六世紀 合金銅度母立像

26 A rare copper alloy figure of Ugra Tara, Nepal, 16th century | 尼泊爾 十六世紀 合金銅度母立像

A gilt-bronze seated figure of Indra, Nepal, 15th - 16th century | 尼泊爾 十五至十六世紀 鎏金銅因陀羅坐像

27 A gilt-bronze seated figure of Indra, Nepal, 15th - 16th century | 尼泊爾 十五至十六世紀 鎏金銅因陀羅坐像

A gilt-copper figure of Vishnu and Lakshmi, Nepal, 17th - 18th century | 尼泊爾 十七至十八世紀 銅鎏金毗濕奴與吉祥天女坐像

28 A gilt-copper figure of Vishnu and Lakshmi, Nepal, 17th - 18th century | 尼泊爾 十七至十八世紀 銅鎏金毗濕奴與吉祥天女坐像

A gilt-bronze figure of Garuda, Nepal, circa 15th century | 尼泊爾 約十五世紀 鎏金銅迦樓羅坐像

29 A gilt-bronze figure of Garuda, Nepal, circa 15th century | 尼泊爾 約十五世紀 鎏金銅迦樓羅坐像

A bronze seated figure of a lama, possibly Rinchen Zangpo, Tibet, 16th - 17th century | 十七至十八世紀 藏傳銅喇嘛坐像

30 A bronze seated figure of a lama, possibly Rinchen Zangpo, Tibet, 16th - 17th century | 十七至十八世紀 藏傳銅喇嘛坐像

A gray schist standing figure of Maitreya, Ancient region of Gandhara, 2nd - 4th century | 犍陀羅 二至四世紀 灰片岩雕彌勒佛立像

31 A gray schist standing figure of Maitreya, Ancient region of Gandhara, 2nd - 4th century | 犍陀羅 二至四世紀 灰片岩雕彌勒佛立像

A bronze figure of Nandi, India, circa 15th century or later | 印度 約十五世紀或以後 銅神牛南迪臥像

32 A bronze figure of Nandi, India, circa 15th century or later | 印度 約十五世紀或以後 銅神牛南迪臥像

A gilt-bronze figure of Buddha, Sri Lanka, Anaradhapura style, circa 10th century | 斯里蘭卡 仿阿努拉德普勒王朝時期 約十世紀 鎏金銅佛坐像

33 A gilt-bronze figure of Buddha, Sri Lanka, Anaradhapura style, circa 10th century | 斯里蘭卡 仿阿努拉德普勒王朝時期 約十世紀 鎏金銅佛坐像

A lacquered wood seated figure of oni king, Japan, Edo period, 18th century | 日本 江戶時代 十八世紀 木漆鬼王坐像

34 A lacquered wood seated figure of oni king, Japan, Edo period, 18th century | 日本 江戶時代 十八世紀 木漆鬼王坐像

A gilt-copper alloy figure of a flying apsara, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 明治時代 十九世紀 銅合金鎏金飛天像

35 A gilt-copper alloy figure of a flying apsara, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 明治時代 十九世紀 銅合金鎏金飛天像

Two suzuribako writing boxes and covers, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 明治時代 十九世紀 蒔繪硯盒一組兩件

36 Two suzuribako writing boxes and covers, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 明治時代 十九世紀 蒔繪硯盒一組兩件

A group of five inro, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 明治時代 十九世紀 漆印籠 一組五件  來源

37 A group of five inro, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 明治時代 十九世紀 漆印籠 一組五件 來源

A grey stone relief depicting two Bodhisattvas, Northern Wei dynasty, 7th century | 北魏七世紀 灰石雕雙菩薩石碑

38 A grey stone relief depicting two Bodhisattvas, Northern Wei dynasty, 7th century | 北魏七世紀 灰石雕雙菩薩石碑

A parcel-gilt bronze seated figure of Shoulao and his companion deer, 17th century | 十七世紀 銅局部鎏金壽老坐像

39 A parcel-gilt bronze seated figure of Shoulao and his companion deer, 17th century | 十七世紀 銅局部鎏金壽老坐像

A gilt-copper figure of a deer, Tibet, 18th century | 十八世紀 藏傳銅鎏金鹿像

40 A gilt-copper figure of a deer, Tibet, 18th century | 十八世紀 藏傳銅鎏金鹿像

A view of the Hongs at Canton, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 廣州十三行圖 油畫畫布

41 A view of the Hongs at Canton, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 廣州十三行圖 油畫畫布

A bronze seated figure of Buddha, 17th - 18th century | 十七至十八世紀 銅佛坐像

42 A bronze seated figure of Buddha, 17th - 18th century | 十七至十八世紀 銅佛坐像

A russet-glazed bottle vase and a 'Yaozhou' celadon-glazed cup, Song - Yuan dynasty | 宋至元 醬釉瓶 及 耀州青窰盌

43 A russet-glazed bottle vase and a 'Yaozhou' celadon-glazed cup, Song - Yuan dynasty | 宋至元 醬釉瓶 及 耀州青窰盌

A 'Longquan' celadon-glazed 'twin fish' dish, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 龍泉青釉印雙魚折沿盤

44 A 'Longquan' celadon-glazed 'twin fish' dish, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 龍泉青釉印雙魚折沿盤

A white-glazed ritual stem bowl, Yuan dynasty | 元 白釉高足盃

45 A white-glazed ritual stem bowl, Yuan dynasty | 元 白釉高足盃

A 'Longquan' celadon-glazed jarlet and cover, a white-glazed 'Cizhou' carved ewer and a russet-glazed bowl, Song and early Ming dynasty | 宋及明初 龍泉青釉小蓋罐 及 磁州窰白釉刻花卉紋執壺 及 醬釉盌 一組三件

46 A 'Longquan' celadon-glazed jarlet and cover, a white-glazed 'Cizhou' carved ewer and a russet-glazed bowl, Song and early Ming dynasty | 宋及明初 龍泉青釉小蓋罐 及 磁州窰白釉刻花卉紋執壺 及 醬釉盌 一組三件

A carved 'Tongan' celadon-glazed 'floral' bowl, Song dynasty | 宋 同安窰青釉刻花卉紋盌

47 A carved 'Tongan' celadon-glazed 'floral' bowl, Song dynasty | 宋 同安窰青釉刻花卉紋盌

A Henan dark-brown-glazed bottle vase, Jin dynasty | 金 河南醬釉玉壺春瓶

48 A Henan dark-brown-glazed bottle vase, Jin dynasty | 金 河南醬釉玉壺春瓶