Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Evening Auction

Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Evening Auction

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3. The Virgin and Child, with the infant St John the Baptist, St Francis and St Catherine of Siena.

Property from a Private Collection

Domenico Beccafumi

The Virgin and Child, with the infant St John the Baptist, St Francis and St Catherine of Siena

Auction Closed

July 5, 07:17 PM GMT


3,000,000 - 4,000,000 GBP

Lot Details


Property from a Private Collection

Domenico Beccafumi

Cortine in Valdibiana Montaperti 1484–1551 Siena

The Virgin and Child, with the infant St John the Baptist, St Francis and St Catherine of Siena 

oil on panel, arched top, unframed

85.7 x 57.8 cm.; 33¾ x 22¾ in. 

Georg Eduard Habich (1818–1898), Kassel;

From whom acquired in 1885 by Konsul Eduard Friedrich Weber (1830–1907), Hamburg; inv. no. 653, as hanging in the picture gallery of the Weber house at An der Alster 59, after its completion in 1889;

By whose estate sold (‘Galerie Weber, Hamburg’), Berlin, Rudolph Lepke, 20–22 February 1912, 2nd day of sale, lot 122, bought back by the family for 7000 Marks;  

His wife, Elizabeth Weber, née Goßler (d. 1927), Schöne Aussicht 14, Hamburg; 

Weber estate sale (‘Galerie Weber, Part II’), Berlin, Rudolph Lepke, 28 February 1928, lot 35, reproduced pl. 1, for RM 3500; 

Possibly with Galerie Goldschmidt-Wallerstein, Berlin, 1930 (according to an annotation on a photo card at the KHI, Florence, inv. no. 64042);

Private collection, Switzerland;

From whom acquired through an agent by the present collector by 2010.

O. Eisenmann, ‘Cassel, Königliche Gemäldegalerie’, in Jahrbuch der Königlichen Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, 2, 1881, p. XCIX, no. 83;

J. von Pflugk-Hartung in Separatabdruck aus dem Repertorium, 1885, vol. VIII, p. 15;

Führer zur Ausstellung alter Gemälde welcher der Hamburger Kunsthalle von Herrn Consul Ed. F. Weber leihweise übergeben sind, Hamburg 1887, p. 8, no. 3;

F. von Harck, ‘Quadri di maestri italiani nelle gallerie private di Germania, III. La Galleria Weber di Amburgo’, in Archivio storico dell'arte, 1891, IV, part II, pp. XIII and 84 (as ‘uno dei più bei quadri ch'io conosca di questo maestro’; ‘in ottimo stato di conservazione’); 

K. Woermann, Wissenschaftliches Verzeichnis der älteren Gemälde der Galerie Weber in Hamburg, Dresden 1892, pp. 98–99, no. 112, Weber gallery inventory no. 653;

B. Berenson, The Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance, New York and London 1897, p. 133; 

J. Nöhring, Gemälde alter Meister der Sammlung Weber, Lubeck 1898, 2nd section, reproduced; 

K. Woermann, Wissenschaftliches Verzeichnis der älteren Gemälde der Galerie Weber in Hamburg, rev. and enlarged ed., Dresden 1907, pp. 116–17, no. 122; 

‘Beccafumi’, in U. Thieme and F. Becker (eds), Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Leipzig 1907, vol. III, p. 129;

E. Schaeffer, ‘La vendita della collezione Weber a Berlino’, in Rassegna d'arte, December 1912, p. 74;

Gemälde Alter Meister der Sammlung Weber, Hamburg, K.F. Koehlers Antiquarium, Leipzig, 2nd ed., after 1912, reproduced pl. 27;

L. Dami, ‘Domenico Beccafumi’, in Bollettino d’Arte, 1919, XIII, p. 14, no. 3 (as shortly before 1530);

Die Kunstauktion, under ‘Nachberichte’, no. 10, 4 March 1928, p. 2;

A. Venturi, Storia dell'arte italiana, vol. IX, part 5, Milan 1932, p. 499; 

J. Judey, Domenico Beccafumi, Berlin 1932, pp. 117–18 (as partly with assistance; c. 1528–29); 

M. Gibellino-Krasceninnicowa, Il Beccafumi, Siena 1933, p. 55, n. 1, reproduced pl. IX; 

D. Sanminiatelli, Domenico Beccafumi, Milan 1967, p. 103, no. 46, reproduced (as whereabouts unknown);

B. Berenson, Italian Pictures of the Renaissance, Central Italian and North Italian Schools, London 1968, vol. I, pp. 34–35 (under Cassel and Hamburg; as early);

E. Baccheschi, L'opera completa di Beccafumi, Milan 1977, p. 100, no. 91, reproduced on p. 98 (as c. 1528–30);

R. Bartalini, ‘Marco Pino’, in Domenico Beccafumi e il suo tempo, exh. cat., Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena, Milan 1990, p. 384 (as Beccafumi; from it derives a repetition in tondo format there attributed to Marco Pino, reproduced p. 385, fig. 1);

M. Folchi in Beccafumi, P. Torriti, (ed.), Milan 1998, p. 138, no. P62 (as whereabouts unknown);

C. Schmincke, Sammler in Hamburg. Der Kaufmann und Kunstfreund Konsul Eduard Friedrich Weber (1830–1907), PhD. Diss., Hamburg 2004, pp. 93–94, 125, 165, 195 n. 569, 350 n. 1100, 386, reproduced on p. 166, fig. 13, as hanging in the gallery in 1912.

Kassel, Königliche Gemäldegalerie, on loan from 1881;

Hamburg, Kunsthalle, on loan from 1887 to 1889.