2 Lilac Clock Bag Buffalo Exchange
3 Time Out
4 Versteckt hysterisch (Hidden hysterical)
5 Rot Rot (Red Red)
6 Dema
7 Copa und Ipa (Copa and Ipa)
8 Tower of the Socialist International I, Bent
9 Metaverse
10 Eindringendes Rot (Invading Red)
11 Blau und Rot geteilt (Blue and Red divided)
12 Komposition Schwarz/Blau (Composition Black/Blue)
13 Epitaph für J. Arp (Epitaph for J. Arp)
14 Untitled
15 This side up
16 Untitled (London Report 1)
17 Titled (Art as Idea as Idea)
18 Untitled
19 The more I think about it all
20 I believe that the error of shore people...
21 Grant me three pages
22 She is the morphine twin
23 The Birds
24 He wanders homeless over the world
25 Untitled
26 Untitled
27 Untitled (Ohne Titel)
28 Leiter (Ladder)
29 Pilz (Mushroom)
30 Doppelpilzvitrine (1 Doppelpilz) (Double-mushroom showcase (1 double-mushroom))
31 Be amazing
32 „Wenn ich heut nicht deinen Leib berühre, wird der Faden meiner Seele reissen wie zu sehr gespannte Sehne (George/Schönburg)“ ("If I do not touch your body today, the thread of my soul will break like a sinew that has been stretched too tight (George/Schönburg)")
33 En Rose (E. Piaf)
34 La vie en rose (E. Piaf)
35 La Medusa
36 Feuermachen (Light a Fire)
37 Schlechte Laune am Komasee (Bad mood at the coma lake)
38 Mark Twain Quote
40 They say it happens for a reason
41 Bush
42 Crinkum
43 Holy drunk: Lista suerte
44 Prisme No 3
45 Embrace
46 Saen02
47 Untitled
48 Lekyth I
49 Squirt
50 Chéri Bibi