Master Discoveries

Master Discoveries

Master Discoveries

Portrait of a young man in a garden landscape

1 Portrait of a young man in a garden landscape

Maltese dog standing in a landscape

2 Maltese dog standing in a landscape

Portrait of Mademoiselle Lange

3 Portrait of Mademoiselle Lange

Portrait of a lady, possibly Marie de Rohan-Montbazon, Duchess of Chevreuse

4 Portrait of a lady, possibly Marie de Rohan-Montbazon, Duchess of Chevreuse

Sylvan landscape with a winding path

5 Sylvan landscape with a winding path

Mona Lisa

6 Mona Lisa

Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist

7 Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist

Saint John the Baptist

8 Saint John the Baptist

Holy Family

9 Holy Family

Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist in a landscape

10 Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist in a landscape

Angel of the Annunciation

11 Angel of the Annunciation

Boy with a carafe of flowers

12 Boy with a carafe of flowers

Portrait of a man in a brown tunic

13 Portrait of a man in a brown tunic

Children eating cherries

14 Children eating cherries

Portrait of Christina Vervoorn holding a basket of cherries accompanied by a pet parrot

15 Portrait of Christina Vervoorn holding a basket of cherries accompanied by a pet parrot

Trompe l'oeil of putti

16 Trompe l'oeil of putti

Landscape with fishermen beside a moated castle

17 Landscape with fishermen beside a moated castle

Vanitas still life with assorted shells, musical instruments, and Karel van Mander’s Schilder-boeck on a table

18 Vanitas still life with assorted shells, musical instruments, and Karel van Mander’s Schilder-boeck on a table

Mediterranean harbor at dawn;  Mediterranean harbor at dusk

19 Attributed to

Mediterranean harbor at dawn; Mediterranean harbor at dusk

Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a blue and white dress and lace collar

20 Attributed to

Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a blue and white dress and lace collar

Still life of flowers in a sculptural vase

21 Still life of flowers in a sculptural vase

Portrait of a lady, half-length, wearing a gold-embroidered white silk dress and red shawl

22 Portrait of a lady, half-length, wearing a gold-embroidered white silk dress and red shawl

Temptation of Saint Anthony

23 Temptation of Saint Anthony

Death of Lucretia

24 Death of Lucretia

Witches Sabbath

25 Witches Sabbath

Sleeping man with an earthenware jug

26 Sleeping man with an earthenware jug

Head study of a boy wearing a wide-brimmed hat

28 Head study of a boy wearing a wide-brimmed hat

Christ carrying the Cross

29 Christ carrying the Cross


30 Crucifixion

Portrait of a man dressed as Bacchus

31 Portrait of a man dressed as Bacchus

Soldiers beside a classical ruin with a landscape beyond

33 Soldiers beside a classical ruin with a landscape beyond

Portrait of a young man, bust-length, in a velvet coat with fur collar

34 Portrait of a young man, bust-length, in a velvet coat with fur collar


35 Self-Portrait

Self-Portrait in a flat cap

36 Self-Portrait in a flat cap

Crucifixion of Saint Peter

37 Crucifixion of Saint Peter

Allegory of painting

38 Follower of

Allegory of painting

Portrait of Admiral Honorable Samuel Barrington

39 Portrait of Admiral Honorable Samuel Barrington

Lady and child

40 Lady and child

Landscape with two travelers and a hilltop town beyond

41 Landscape with two travelers and a hilltop town beyond

Putti in a landscape en grisaille, possibly an allegory of the seasons

42 Putti in a landscape en grisaille, possibly an allegory of the seasons

Arcadian landscape with cattle crossing a wooden bridge and a waterfall in the distance

43 Attributed to

Arcadian landscape with cattle crossing a wooden bridge and a waterfall in the distance

Vision of Saint Louis IX of France

44 Vision of Saint Louis IX of France

Angel of the Annunciation

45 Angel of the Annunciation

Delilah cutting Samson's hair

46 Delilah cutting Samson's hair

Classical scene of a woman and soldier at a well

47 Attributed to

Classical scene of a woman and soldier at a well

Madonna and Child before a green curtain

48 Madonna and Child before a green curtain

Sybil in a blue turban

49 After

Sybil in a blue turban

Madonna and Child

50 Madonna and Child