Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 66. Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin, Synthetic kunzite and diamond brooch (Spilla in diamanti e  kunziti di sintesi Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin).

Property of a Lady

Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin

Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin, Synthetic kunzite and diamond brooch (Spilla in diamanti e kunziti di sintesi Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin)

Lot Closed

October 25, 12:05 PM GMT


5,000 - 7,000 EUR

Lot Details


Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin Kunzite and diamond brooch

(Spilla in diamanti e kunzite Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin)

Designed as a fireworks explosion entirely set with brilliant-cut, baguette and triangular shaped diamonds, enhanced with synthetic kunzite, length approximately 83mm, signed Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin

(Disegnata come un esplosione di fuochi d'artificio e decorata in diamanti di taglio brillante, baguette e triangolo, accentuata con kunziti di sintesi, lunghezza approssimativa 83mm.)