Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan
Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan
Property of a Lady
Lot Closed
October 25, 02:56 PM GMT
6,000 - 10,000 EUR
Lot Details
Diamond brooch and South Sea and diamond pendant earrings
(Spilla in diamanti e paio di orecchini pendenti in perle South Sea e diamanti)
Brooch designed as an orchid entirely set with circular- and huit huit cut diamonds, earrings decorated with South Sea cultured pearl measuring respectively 18 x 17.2 and 18.2 x 17.3mm approximately to an open-work surmount decorated with circular- and huit huit-cut diamonds.
(Spilla disegnata ad orchidea e decorata in diamanti di taglio circolare e huit huit, orecchini decorati con perle coltivate South Sea che misurano rispettivamente 18 x 17.2 and 18.2 x 17.3mm sospese ad un disegno a traforo in diamanti di taglio circolare e huit huit.)