Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 34. Sapphire and diamond evening bag and three rings (Borsetta in zaffiri e diamanti e tre anelli).

Property of a Princely Family

Sapphire and diamond evening bag and three rings (Borsetta in zaffiri e diamanti e tre anelli)

Lot Closed

October 25, 11:34 AM GMT


6,000 - 10,000 EUR

Lot Details


Sapphire and diamond evening bag and three rings

(Borsetta in zaffiri e diamanti e tre anelli)

Of woven mesh design, to a frame engraved with foliate motifs and enhanced with oval-shaped cabochon sapphire, later added mirror accessory, gross weight approximately 267grams, one ring as a striped band, mark and maker's mark Ilias Lalaunis, size 45, another ring, mark and maker's mark Ilias Lalaunis, size 49, wedding ring, size 54.

( Realilzzata con una maglia intrecciata, con fermezza incisa con motivi a foglia e zaffiri cabochon di taglio ovale, specchio aggiunto in epoca più tarda, peso lordo circa 267 grammi, un anello a fascia inciso a bande, punzone dell'oro e dell'orafo Ilias Lalaunis, misura 45, un altro anello, punzone dell'oro e dell'orafo Ilias Lalaunis, misura 49, fede nuziale, misura 54.