Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 230. Diamond pendant earrings (Orecchini pendenti in diamanti).

Property of a Gentleman

Diamond pendant earrings (Orecchini pendenti in diamanti)

Lot Closed

October 25, 02:49 PM GMT


16,000 - 20,000 EUR

Lot Details


Diamond pendant earrings

(Orecchini pendenti in diamanti)

Each decorated with a brilliant-cut diamonds measuring 7.8 x 7.8 x 4mm approximately that surmount detachable pear-shaped diamonds measuring 11 x 6.9 x 4.1mm each.

Ognuno decorato con un diamante di taglio brillante 7.8 x 7.8 x 4mm approssimativamente che sormonta pendenti staccabili con diamanti di taglio a goccia 11 x 6.9 x 4.1mm ognuno.)