Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan
Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan
Property od a Lady
Lot Closed
October 25, 01:48 PM GMT
3,000 - 4,000 EUR
Lot Details
Collection of Jewels
(Collezione di gioielli)
Comprising: two longchains designed with geometrical links and virtrum pastae, length approximately 1040, 855mm and a necklace decorated at the from with a variety of charms with citrine, green tourmaline, rubellite, peridot, garnet and aquamarine pendants length approximately 410mm, Italian marks and maker's mark, a pair of pendant earrings with oval-shaped aquamarine and another pair of ear clips set with step-cut citrine quartz and oval shaped synthetic spinel. Accompanied by three gemological report.
(Composto da: due lunghe collane a maglie geometriche con applicazioni in pasta di vetro, una collana decorata con una moltitudine di charms in citrini, tormaline versi, ribellati, peridoti, granati e acquamarine, lunghezza approssimativa 410mm, punzoni dell'oro e dellorafo italiani, e due paia di orecchini pendenti decorati uno con acquamarine di taglio ovale e l'altro con quarzi citrini di taglio smeraldo e spinelli sintetici di taglio ovale.)
Accompagnato da tre certificati gemmologici.
Accompanied by CISGEM short report no. 25718, 2023-09-27; CISGEM short report no. 25719, 2023-09-27 stating the aquamarine is natural; CISGEM short report no. 25838 stating the citrine is natural and the spinel synthetic.