Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

Fine Jewels & Watches: Milan

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 149. Chrysoprase and diamond brooch/pendant and ear clips (Spilla e orecchini in crisoprasio e diamanti) .

Property of a Lady

Chrysoprase and diamond brooch/pendant and ear clips (Spilla e orecchini in crisoprasio e diamanti)

Lot Closed

October 25, 01:28 PM GMT


10,000 - 15,000 EUR

Lot Details


Chrysoprase and diamond brooch/pendant and ear clips

(Spilla e orecchini in crisoprasio e diamanti) 

Decorated with carved chrysoprase cabochons framed with brilliant-cut diamonds suspending similarly set pendants,

brooch/pendant length approximately 100mm, retractable hook, ear clips en suite , later modified.

(Decorati con cabochon scanalati in crisoprasio e contornati da diamanti di taglio brillante, lunghezza spilla/pendente approssimativamente 100mm, con gancio retrattile, orecchini a clip en suite, modificati in epoca più tarda.)