Contemporary Evening Auction
Contemporary Evening Auction
Auction Closed
October 5, 01:50 PM GMT
50,000,000 - 70,000,000 HKD
Lot Details
Willem de Kooning
1904 - 1997
Souvenir of Toulouse
oil on canvas
Executed in 1958.
160 by 125.7 cm. 63 by 49½ in.
1904 - 1997年生
160 x 125.7 公分,63 x 49½ 英寸
Sidney Janis Gallery, New York
Collection of Thomas B. Hess, New York
Sotheby's, New York, 8 May, 1990, Lot 43
Gagosian Gallery, New York
Acquired from the above by the present owner in 1995
紐約,Thomas B. Hess 收藏
Exh. Cat., New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, Recent Paintings by Willem de Kooning, March 1962, ill. fig. 44, illustrated (in exhibition installation at the Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, May 1959)
Philippe Sollers, De Kooning, Vite, Vol. I and II, Editions de la Difference, Turin 1988, no. 43, illustrated in colour
紐約,西德尼賈尼斯畫廊,《Recent Paintings by Willem de Kooning》展覽圖錄,1962年3月,圖44,載圖(展覽圖於西德尼賈尼斯畫廊,紐約,1959年5月)
Philippe Sollers 著,《De Kooning, Vite》第一及第二冊差異版(都靈,1988年),圖43,載彩圖
New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, Willem de Kooning, May - June 1959
New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, Painting, Drawings, Sculpture Collected by Yale Alumni: An Exhibition, May - June 1960, cat. no. 142, illustrated
New York, Whitney Museum of American Art; Berlin, Akademie der Künste; Paris, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Willem de Kooning Retrospective Exhibition, December 1983 - September 1984, cat. no. 210, p. 196, illustrated in colour, and p. 109, illustrated in colour
New Orleans Museum of Art, 1986 - 1989 (on loan)
Washington, National Gallery of Art; New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; London, Tate Gallery, Willem de Kooning: Paintings, September 1994 - May 1995, cat. no. 46, p. 166, illustrated in colour
紐約,西德尼賈尼斯畫廊,「Willem de Kooning」,1959年5月至6月
紐黑文,耶魯大學美術館,「Painting, Drawings, Sculpture Collected by Yale Alumni: An Exhibition」,1960年5月至6月,圖142,載圖
紐約,惠特尼美國藝術博物館;柏林,藝術學院,巴黎,國家現代藝術博物館,喬治·蓬皮杜中心「Willem de Kooning Retrospective Exhibition」,1983年12月至1984年9月,圖210,頁196,載彩圖及頁109,載彩圖
華盛頓,國家美術館;紐約,大都會藝術博物館;倫敦,泰特美術館,「Willem de Kooning: Paintings」,1994年9月至1995年5月,圖46,頁166,載彩圖(本拍品只在華盛頓及紐約展出)
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