Books, Manuscripts and Music from Medieval to Modern

Books, Manuscripts and Music from Medieval to Modern

Books, Manuscripts and Music from Medieval to Modern

Books, Manuscripts and Music from Medieval to Modern

4 July - 18 July 2023 • London

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Mary Magdalene adoring the Crown of Thorns, illuminated initial from a choirbook, [France, early 16th century]

1 Mary Magdalene adoring the Crown of Thorns, illuminated initial from a choirbook, [France, early 16th century]

A collection of 15 manuscript and printed text leaves and cuttings, 13th-16th century

2 A collection of 15 manuscript and printed text leaves and cuttings, 13th-16th century

Illuminated leaf from Gerard of Cremona's Latin translation of Abu Bakr al-Razi (Rhasis), [France, 14th century]

3 Illuminated leaf from Gerard of Cremona's Latin translation of Abu Bakr al-Razi (Rhasis), [France, 14th century]

Calligraphic manuscript specimen sheet depicting St Jerome in his study [Germany (Nuremberg?), c. 1600]

4 Calligraphic manuscript specimen sheet depicting St Jerome in his study [Germany (Nuremberg?), c. 1600]

Book of hours, in Dutch, illuminated manuscript on vellum, [Netherlands, c.1481], contemporary binding

5 Book of hours, in Dutch, illuminated manuscript on vellum, [Netherlands, c.1481], contemporary binding

Adamantius, Physiognomonica, Paris, Conrad Neobar, 1540, later red morocco gilt

6 Adamantius, Physiognomonica, Paris, Conrad Neobar, 1540, later red morocco gilt

Aelianus, Variae historiae [and other works], Rome, Blado, 1545, modern half vellum

7 Aelianus, Variae historiae [and other works], Rome, Blado, 1545, modern half vellum

Aesop, Mythoi, Venice, 1644, French red morocco gilt, from the Royal Library in Paris

8 Aesop, Mythoi, Venice, 1644, French red morocco gilt, from the Royal Library in Paris

Ammonius Hermiae, In quinque voces Porphyrii commentarius, Venice, Aldus, 1546, later red morocco

9 Ammonius Hermiae, In quinque voces Porphyrii commentarius, Venice, Aldus, 1546, later red morocco

Apian, Inscriptiones sacrosanctae vetustatis, Ingolstadt, 1534, folio, later calf with interlacing strapwork

10 Apian, Inscriptiones sacrosanctae vetustatis, Ingolstadt, 1534, folio, later calf with interlacing strapwork

Apuleius, Opera, Vicenza, 1488, contemporary Venetian stamped calf

11 Apuleius, Opera, Vicenza, 1488, contemporary Venetian stamped calf

Aratus, Phaenomena, Paris, 1559, modern vellum-backed boards

12 Aratus, Phaenomena, Paris, 1559, modern vellum-backed boards

Aristides, Orationes, Florence, Giunta, 1517, later red morocco gilt, Bentley-Chatsworth copy

13 Aristides, Orationes, Florence, Giunta, 1517, later red morocco gilt, Bentley-Chatsworth copy

Aristophanes, Comoediae novem, Venice, Aldus, 1498, modern leather

14 Aristophanes, Comoediae novem, Venice, Aldus, 1498, modern leather

Aristophanes, Comoediae undecim [Greek], Basel, 1532, later half calf

15 Aristophanes, Comoediae undecim [Greek], Basel, 1532, later half calf

Aristophanes, Comoediae novem, Basel, Froben, 1537, contemporary vellum gilt

16 Aristophanes, Comoediae novem, Basel, Froben, 1537, contemporary vellum gilt

Aristotle, Historia animalium; Theophrastus, Venice, Aldus, 1497, volume 3 only, half blue morocco

17 Aristotle, Historia animalium; Theophrastus, Venice, Aldus, 1497, volume 3 only, half blue morocco

Aristotle, Ethica ad Nicomachum, Venice, Aldus, 1498, later green calf

18 Aristotle, Ethica ad Nicomachum, Venice, Aldus, 1498, later green calf

Aristotle, Mechanica, Paris, 1599, old vellum

19 Aristotle, Mechanica, Paris, 1599, old vellum

Arrianus, De rebus gestis Alexandri regis, Pesaro, Soncino, 1508, modern stamped calf

20 Arrianus, De rebus gestis Alexandri regis, Pesaro, Soncino, 1508, modern stamped calf

Arrianus and Hanno, Periplus, Basel, 1533, contemporary limp vellum, Pierre Gaud's copy

21 Arrianus and Hanno, Periplus, Basel, 1533, contemporary limp vellum, Pierre Gaud's copy

Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae, [Geneva], 1598, red morocco with arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie de Barbançon

22 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae, [Geneva], 1598, red morocco with arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie de Barbançon

Barlezio, De vita... Scanderbegus, Strassburg, 1537, contemporary calf gilt

23 Barlezio, De vita... Scanderbegus, Strassburg, 1537, contemporary calf gilt

Bayardi, Prodromo delle antichità d´Ercolano, Naples, 1752, 5 volumes, Neapolitan armorial calf gilt

24 Bayardi, Prodromo delle antichità d´Ercolano, Naples, 1752, 5 volumes, Neapolitan armorial calf gilt

H. Beck von Leopoldsdorf, Document signed with signed autograph additions, 1577-1582

25 H. Beck von Leopoldsdorf, Document signed with signed autograph additions, 1577-1582

Bernard de Paris, Vocabolario italiano-turchesco, Rome, 1665, 3 volumes, modern half leather

26 Bernard de Paris, Vocabolario italiano-turchesco, Rome, 1665, 3 volumes, modern half leather

Bible, Greek, Venice, Aldus, 1518, contemporary Venetian alla greca binding

27 Bible, Greek, Venice, Aldus, 1518, contemporary Venetian alla greca binding

[Bible] Epistolae Divi Pauli Apostoli, Venice, da Sabbio, 1533, contemporary Venetian morocco with initials DLF

28 [Bible] Epistolae Divi Pauli Apostoli, Venice, da Sabbio, 1533, contemporary Venetian morocco with initials DLF

[Bible] New Testament in Greek, Venice, Nicolini da Sabbio, 1539, modern leather

29 [Bible] New Testament in Greek, Venice, Nicolini da Sabbio, 1539, modern leather

[Bible] Novum testamentum [Greek], Paris, 1546, contemporary morocco with gilt interlaced panel stamp

30 [Bible] Novum testamentum [Greek], Paris, 1546, contemporary morocco with gilt interlaced panel stamp

Bible in Greek, Paris, Estienne, 1550, ruled in red, old limp vellum

31 Bible in Greek, Paris, Estienne, 1550, ruled in red, old limp vellum

Bible, Latin, Paris, Didot, 1785, 8 volumes, contemporary Spanish marbled calf

32 Bible, Latin, Paris, Didot, 1785, 8 volumes, contemporary Spanish marbled calf

Bible, Greek and Latin, Copenhagen, 1788, vellum, Richardson Currer copy

33 Bible, Greek and Latin, Copenhagen, 1788, vellum, Richardson Currer copy

Bilberg, De refractio solis, Stockholm, 1695, contemporary half vellum

34 Bilberg, De refractio solis, Stockholm, 1695, contemporary half vellum

Boileau-Despréaux | Oeuvres poetiques, Parma, Bodoni, 1814, 2 volumes, extra illustrated

35 Boileau-Despréaux | Oeuvres poetiques, Parma, Bodoni, 1814, 2 volumes, extra illustrated

Bolzanio, Grammaticae institutiones, Basel, 1524, limp vellum

36 Bolzanio, Grammaticae institutiones, Basel, 1524, limp vellum

Bonaventura, Opuscula, Strassburg, 1495, 2 volumes, contemporary calf

37 Bonaventura, Opuscula, Strassburg, 1495, 2 volumes, contemporary calf

Bonifacius VIII, Liber sextus decretalium, Venice, 1485, contemporary half calf over wooden boards

38 Bonifacius VIII, Liber sextus decretalium, Venice, 1485, contemporary half calf over wooden boards

[Book of hours] Heures nostre dame a l'usage de Rouen, Rouen, [1593], vellum gilt binding

39 [Book of hours] Heures nostre dame a l'usage de Rouen, Rouen, [1593], vellum gilt binding

Breviarium romanum, Antwerp, Plantin, 1733, 4 volumes, contemporary calf gilt with pull-off cases

40 Breviarium romanum, Antwerp, Plantin, 1733, 4 volumes, contemporary calf gilt with pull-off cases

Budé, Commentarii linguae Graecae, Paris, 1529, later half calf

41 Budé, Commentarii linguae Graecae, Paris, 1529, later half calf

Caesar, Comentarios, Alcala de Henares, Miguel de Eguia, 1529, modern calf

42 Caesar, Comentarios, Alcala de Henares, Miguel de Eguia, 1529, modern calf

Caesar, Quae extant, London, Tonson, 1712, contemporary diced russia gilt

43 Caesar, Quae extant, London, Tonson, 1712, contemporary diced russia gilt

Bassus, Geoponika; De re rustica, Basel, 1539, later tan morocco gilt, Syston Park copy

44 Bassus, Geoponika; De re rustica, Basel, 1539, later tan morocco gilt, Syston Park copy

Cebes, Tabula, [Florence: Lorenzo de Alopa, c. 1496], crushed tan morocco by Chambolle-Duru

45 Cebes, Tabula, [Florence: Lorenzo de Alopa, c. 1496], crushed tan morocco by Chambolle-Duru

Geoffrey Chaucer, The workes, London, 1561, contemporary calf

46 Geoffrey Chaucer, The workes, London, 1561, contemporary calf

Chevalier, Alphabetum hebraicum & graecum, Geneva, 1566 & 1600, modern leather

47 Chevalier, Alphabetum hebraicum & graecum, Geneva, 1566 & 1600, modern leather

Chrysoloras, Erotemata Guarini, Reggio Emilia, 1501, later red morocco gilt, Dampier-Chatsworth copy

48 Chrysoloras, Erotemata Guarini, Reggio Emilia, 1501, later red morocco gilt, Dampier-Chatsworth copy