BitcoinShrooms: An Ordinals Auction
BitcoinShrooms: An Ordinals Auction
Lot Closed
December 13, 05:02 PM GMT
20,000 - 30,000 USD
Lot Details
Bitcoin Shrooms
Inscription 38
Executed in 2022, this work is unique and inscribed in 2023.
Creation transaction: 5166a9ef575565ed67d63044fc442a8ef07b4ad20631442d477f784b4cb1bd29
SAT number: 1884778689351059
SAT creation year: 2021
Blockchain: Bitcoin
The “S” stands for Self-Sovereignty. Since we’ve recently passed the 40 million inscription mark, it can be said that the S shroom is provably rarer than one in a million.
About the Artist
Shroomtoshi is a technically inclined digital artist and trailblazing figure in the booming Ordinal ecosystem. With encyclopedic knowledge of Bitcoin, Shroomtoshi created a standalone digital art collection that captures the cryptocurrency zeitgeist through nostalgic and hyper-referential modes. Advocating for values of freedom and self-sovereignty, Shroomtoshi operates in subtle mystery in the vein of Satoshi Nakamoto's mystique, aiming to educate and inspire appreciation for the cultural and technological revolution of Bitcoin. Learn more about Shroomtoshi [:]
Shroomtoshi on the Shrooms. “The BitcoinShrooms collection is a pixelated recap of the first 13 years of Bitcoin, a homage to the 8-bit style of art that expresses a slight nostalgia for the 90s, a way to soil 10s of thousands of SSDs spread across the world with my art (->next level cyber-vandalism), a tool to raise awareness about Bitcoin and what I personally view as its core principles, an ironic way to vent at what I see as its annoying pop elements and aberrations. it is a thank you to those I worked with and learned from, to those who are not around anymore but whose name should not be forgotten. it is knowledge condensed and a journey for the curious.” Source []