The Library of Henry Rogers Broughton, 2nd Baron Fairhaven Part II

The Library of Henry Rogers Broughton, 2nd Baron Fairhaven Part II

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 439. Orchids | "Sertum orchidaceum", an album watercolour drawings of orchids, mid nineteenth-century.

Orchids | "Sertum orchidaceum", an album watercolour drawings of orchids, mid nineteenth-century

Auction Closed

November 29, 03:25 PM GMT


10,000 - 20,000 GBP

Lot Details



“Sertum orchidaceum”, an album so titled of watercolour drawings of orchids. English, mid nineteenth-century

Large folio (755 x 535mm.), 51 very large watercolour drawings of orchids and flowering plants, captioned at foot, nineteenth-century green half morocco, binding rebacked

HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED LARGE-SCALE WATERCOLOUR DRAWINGS. A pencil note on the fly leaf reads “These drawings are thought to be done by the wife of MacFarlane the celebrated orchid painter” (i.e. James Laird MacFarlane, 1836-1913).


Samuel Williams Fuller (c.1777-1857) and Joseph Carr Fuller (c.1782-1863), Gallery of Fine Arts, gallery ticket on front paste-down