Natural History, including Gorgosaurus

Natural History, including Gorgosaurus

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 244. Malachite and Cuprite.

Malachite and Cuprite

Auction Closed

July 28, 03:27 PM GMT


4,000 - 5,000 USD

Lot Details


Malachite and Cuprite

Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of the Congo

3½ by 3⅕ by 2⅕ inches (8.9 x 8.1 x 5.6 cm). Custom lucite base.

A large and complete crystal of cuprite pseudomorphing into malachite that has been split in half to reveal the deep blood red color while maintaining the outer shape of the cuprite crystal.

Ranging from light to deep, rich greens, malachite is an opaque and banded copper carbonate hydroxide that often forms stalagmitic and/or botryoidal ("bunch of grapes") masses. The split specimen offered here is an amazing example of geology frozen in action, highlighting the brilliant and colorful pseudomorph of cuprite into malachite.