Inkspiration: Chinese Paintings Online

Inkspiration: Chinese Paintings Online

Inkspiration: Chinese Paintings Online

128 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

128 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)

董橋 行書弘一語  | Tung Chiao, Aphorism in Xingshu

6001 董橋 行書弘一語 | Tung Chiao, Aphorism in Xingshu

董橋 行書梁任公集宋詞聯 | Tung Chiao, Couplet with Lines Taken from Song Poems

6002 董橋 行書梁任公集宋詞聯 | Tung Chiao, Couplet with Lines Taken from Song Poems

董橋 行書集東坡詞聯 | Tung Chiao,  Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

6003 董橋 行書集東坡詞聯 | Tung Chiao, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

張大千 松下高士 |  Zhang Daqian, Scholar under Pine

6004 張大千 松下高士 | Zhang Daqian, Scholar under Pine

張大千   高枝鳴禽   |  Zhang Daqian, Bird Perching on Branch

6005 張大千   高枝鳴禽 | Zhang Daqian, Bird Perching on Branch

張大千    東籬秋色 | Zhang Daqian, Chrysanthemums

6006 張大千   東籬秋色 | Zhang Daqian, Chrysanthemums

吳湖帆  倣倪雲林西林禪室圖   |  Wu Hufan, Landscape after Ni Zan

6007 吳湖帆  倣倪雲林西林禪室圖 | Wu Hufan, Landscape after Ni Zan

溥儒 觀瀑圖 |  Pu Ru, Scholar Appreciating Waterfall

6008 溥儒 觀瀑圖 | Pu Ru, Scholar Appreciating Waterfall

溥靖秋 繡球蝴蝶   | Pu Jingqiu, Butterflies and Hydrangea

6009 溥靖秋 繡球蝴蝶 | Pu Jingqiu, Butterflies and Hydrangea

齊白石 墨蝦圖   | Qi Baishi, Ink Shrimp

6010 齊白石 墨蝦圖 | Qi Baishi, Ink Shrimp

黃胄 驢   | Huang Zhou,  Donkeys

6011 黃胄 驢 | Huang Zhou, Donkeys

楊清磬 仿吳漁山四景 |  Yang Qingqing, Landscapes after Wu Li

6012 楊清磬 仿吳漁山四景 | Yang Qingqing, Landscapes after Wu Li

張炎夫 四時山水  | Zhang Yanfu,  Landscapes of Four Seasons

6013 張炎夫 四時山水 | Zhang Yanfu, Landscapes of Four Seasons

趙叔孺  篆書  |  Zhao Shuru, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu

6014 趙叔孺  篆書 | Zhao Shuru, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu

臺靜農 行書七絕  | Tai Jingnong, Calligraphy in Xingshu

6015 臺靜農 行書七絕 | Tai Jingnong, Calligraphy in Xingshu

董作賓 甲骨文賀新婚詩  | Dong Zuobin, Poem in Jiaguwen

6016 董作賓 甲骨文賀新婚詩 | Dong Zuobin, Poem in Jiaguwen

饒宗頤 行書「德業雙輝 | Rao Zongyi, Calligraphy in Xingshu

6017 饒宗頤 行書「德業雙輝 | Rao Zongyi, Calligraphy in Xingshu

林墉 晨風 | Lin Yong, Birds and Bamboo

6018 林墉 晨風 | Lin Yong, Birds and Bamboo

胡永凱 小孩與雀 | Hu Yongkai, Child and Bird

6019 胡永凱 小孩與雀 | Hu Yongkai, Child and Bird

胡永凱 青梨、黃菊  | Hu Yongkai, Pears; Chrysanthemum

6020 胡永凱 青梨、黃菊 | Hu Yongkai, Pears; Chrysanthemum

胡永凱 小孩與貓  | Hu Yongkai,  Child and Cat

6021 胡永凱 小孩與貓 | Hu Yongkai, Child and Cat

馮葉  戲劇人物 | Feng Ye, Opera Figures

6022 馮葉  戲劇人物 | Feng Ye, Opera Figures

汪亞塵 江上有鱸魚  |  Wang Yachen, Fishes

6023 汪亞塵 江上有鱸魚 | Wang Yachen, Fishes

 劉墉 行書「榮封祿養」 |  Liu Yong,  Calligraphy in Xingshu

6024 劉墉 行書「榮封祿養」 | Liu Yong, Calligraphy in Xingshu

翁雒 陂塘秋色、桃花鸚鵡  | Weng Luo, Lotus and Duck; Blossom and Parrot

6025 翁雒 陂塘秋色、桃花鸚鵡 | Weng Luo, Lotus and Duck; Blossom and Parrot

黃君璧  春山獨往 | Huang Junbi, Strolling in Spring Mountains

6026 黃君璧  春山獨往 | Huang Junbi, Strolling in Spring Mountains

黃君璧 幽谷聽泉  | Huang Junbi,  Waterfall in Secluded Ravine

6027 黃君璧 幽谷聽泉 | Huang Junbi, Waterfall in Secluded Ravine

張谷雛 泉齋圖  | Zhang Guchu, Studio in Mountains

6028 張谷雛 泉齋圖 | Zhang Guchu, Studio in Mountains

趙少昂(1905-1998)、周一峰(1890-1982)、何漆園(1899-1970)  葫蘆塵拂  | Zhao Shao'ang (1905-1998), Zhou Yifeng (1890-1982), He Qiyuan (1899-1970),  Gourd and Fly Whisk

6029 趙少昂(1905-1998)、周一峰(1890-1982)、何漆園(1899-1970)  葫蘆塵拂 | Zhao Shao'ang (1905-1998), Zhou Yifeng (1890-1982), He Qiyuan (1899-1970), Gourd and Fly Whisk

陳樹人、趙少昂、關山月、楊善深、黎葛民 牽牛麻雀  |  Chen Shuren (1884-1948), Zhao Shao'ang (1905-1998), Guan Shanyue(1912-2000), Yang Shanshen(1913-2004), Li Gemin(1882-1978), Perching by Morning Glory

6030 陳樹人、趙少昂、關山月、楊善深、黎葛民 牽牛麻雀 | Chen Shuren (1884-1948), Zhao Shao'ang (1905-1998), Guan Shanyue(1912-2000), Yang Shanshen(1913-2004), Li Gemin(1882-1978), Perching by Morning Glory

趙少昂 三魚圖  | Zhao Shao'ang, Three Fishes

6031 趙少昂 三魚圖 | Zhao Shao'ang, Three Fishes

趙少昂 霜葉小鳥  | Zhao Shao'ang, Bird by Autumn Leaves

6032 趙少昂 霜葉小鳥 | Zhao Shao'ang, Bird by Autumn Leaves

趙少昂  行書七絕 | Zhao Shao'ang, Poem in Xingshu

6033 趙少昂  行書七絕 | Zhao Shao'ang, Poem in Xingshu

張韶石、鄭乃珖、吳公虎     比翼雙棲 |  Zhang Shaoshi(1913-1991), Zheng Naiguang(1911-2005), Wu Gonghu(1904-1977), Mandarin Ducks

6034 張韶石、鄭乃珖、吳公虎   比翼雙棲 | Zhang Shaoshi(1913-1991), Zheng Naiguang(1911-2005), Wu Gonghu(1904-1977), Mandarin Ducks

楊善深   行書「從心所欲」|  Yang Shanshen, Calligraphy in Xingshu

6035 楊善深 行書「從心所欲」| Yang Shanshen, Calligraphy in Xingshu

楊善深  薔薇 | Yang Shanshen, Roses

6036 楊善深 薔薇 | Yang Shanshen, Roses

黃佩宜 護雛圖  | Huang Peiyi,  Rooster

6037 黃佩宜 護雛圖 | Huang Peiyi, Rooster

朱屺瞻 蘭花 | Zhu Qizhan, Orchids

6038 朱屺瞻 蘭花 | Zhu Qizhan, Orchids

陳大羽 忘憂  | Chen Dayu, Orange Daylily

6039 陳大羽 忘憂 | Chen Dayu, Orange Daylily

丁衍庸 石榴小鳥 | Ding Yanyong, Pomegranate and Bird

6040 丁衍庸 石榴小鳥 | Ding Yanyong, Pomegranate and Bird

 馮其庸 行書七絕  | Feng Qiyong, Poem in Xingshu

6041 馮其庸 行書七絕 | Feng Qiyong, Poem in Xingshu

馮其庸 葡萄 | Feng Qiyong, Grapevines

6042 馮其庸 葡萄 | Feng Qiyong, Grapevines

王壯為 行書自作七絕 | Wang Zhuangwei, Poem in Xingshu

6043 王壯為 行書自作七絕 | Wang Zhuangwei, Poem in Xingshu

費孝通 行書魯迅詩 | Fei Xiaotong, Lu Xun's Poem in Xingshu

6044 費孝通 行書魯迅詩 | Fei Xiaotong, Lu Xun's Poem in Xingshu

溥儒合作畫    柳畔游魚| Pu Ru and Others, Fishes by the Willow

6045 溥儒合作畫   柳畔游魚| Pu Ru and Others, Fishes by the Willow

傅狷夫  溪山清話 | Fu Juanfu, Encounter by the Shore

6046 傅狷夫  溪山清話 | Fu Juanfu, Encounter by the Shore

陳立夫    行書節錄〈論語.衛靈公〉   | Chen Lifu, Calligraphy

6047 陳立夫   行書節錄〈論語.衛靈公〉 | Chen Lifu, Calligraphy

黃杰    楷書贈卜少夫句  | Huang Jie,  Calligraphy in Kaishu

6048 黃杰   楷書贈卜少夫句 | Huang Jie, Calligraphy in Kaishu