1 Omaggio agli Snob bonbonnière
2 Console with mirror
3 Low table
4 Sofa
5 Pair of dressers
6 Pudore Africano
7 Console, model n. 6652 variant with light, and mirror n. 6665
8 Wingback lounge chair
9 Ceiling light, model n. 3011
10 Round table
11 Desk
12 Ceiling light, model n. 2023
13 Pair of armchairs
14 Bookcase
15 Floor light, model n. 1049N
16 Pair of armchairs
17 Floor light, model n. B-30
18 Dining table, model 7387
19 Bookcase
20 Pair of Stelline table lamps, model n. 12291
21 Six Sedia Leggera chairs, model n. 646
22 Ceiling light, model n. 2065
23 Stadera desk, model n. SC27
24 Pair of wall lights
25 Fasce Orizzontali vase, model n. 3839
26 Pair of wall lights
27 Pair of wall mounted bedside tables
28 Ceiling light, model no. 1441
29 Drinks cabinet, model n. 6534B
30 Ceiling light
31 Corner sofas with lateral screens
32 Pair of tables
33 Pair of tables
34 Eight chairs, model n. 676
35 Cicognino side table, model n. TN6
36 Pair of armchairs, model n. 849
37 Red-dominant bas-relief panel
38 Pair of armchairs, model n. 856
39 Mirror
40 Table lamp, model n. 584G
41 Pair of ceiling light model n. 4454*
42 Centro swivel bookcase
43 Reclining armchair, model n. 829, and ottoman
44 Four ceiling lights, model n. 232G variant
45 Mirror, model n. 1928
46 Floor light, Helga series
47 Monumental Efeso vase
48 Bar cabinet, model n. 6585