Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art
8 December - 15 December 2022 • Paris
Your local time • 11:00 AM GMT
1 A thangka depicting Boudhanath, Nepal, circa 1900 | 尼泊爾 約1900年 博拿佛塔唐卡 設色布本
2 A thangka depicting the Luohan Nagasena, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 佛教大師那先唐卡 設色布本
3 A fine thangka depicting Takla Membar, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 達拉梅巴唐卡 設色布本
4 A thangka depicting Nangsa Wöbum as Sitatara, Tibet, circa 19th century | 西藏 約十九世紀 白度母唐卡 設色布本
5 A rare thangka depicting Gayadhara and Drokmi, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 嘎雅達拉及卓彌大譯師釋迦智唐卡 設色布本
6 A rare thangka depicting Buddha Shakyamuni with arhats, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 釋迦牟尼佛及羅漢唐卡 設色布本
7 A rare and important thangka depicting Ekavira Vajrabhairava, Tibet, circa 1600 | 西藏 約1600年 獨雄大威德金剛唐卡 設色布本
8 A rare thangka depicting red Tara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 紅度母唐卡 設色布本
9 A thangka depicting Vajradhara, Bhutan or South Tibet, 17th/18th century | 不丹或西藏南部 十七至十八世紀 金剛總持唐卡 設色布本
10 A thangka depicting Zangpo Bumtri, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 桑波奔赤唐卡 設色布本
11 A thangka depicting Sherap Chamma, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 希繞強瑪唐卡 設色布本
12 A rare thangka depicting Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Tibet, 16th/17th century | 西藏 十六至十七世紀 四薩迦派喇嘛唐卡 設色布本
13 A rare and important thangka depicting episodes from the life of Ngorpa Rinchen Gyaltsen, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 薩迦哦派仁欽堅贊生平畫傳唐卡 設色布本
14 A rare silk thangka depicting an assembly of emblems, Tibet, circa 18th century | 西藏 約十八世紀 法器唐卡 絹本設色
15 A thangka depicting Nampar Gyalwa, Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏 十七至十八世紀 南巴嘉瓦唐卡 設色布本
16 An important thangka depicting Shenlha Wökar, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 辛拉哦噶唐卡 設色布本
17 A rare thangka depicting Kuntu Zangpo, Tibet, circa 15th century | 西藏 約十五世紀 普賢王如來唐卡 設色布本
18 A rare early thangka depicting Amitabha in Sukhavati, Tibet, circa 1500 | 西藏 約1500年 極樂淨土阿彌陀佛唐卡 設色布本
19 A rare and important thangka depicting Ekavira Vajrabhairava, Tibet, 15th century | 西藏 十五世紀 獨雄大威德金剛唐卡 設色布本
20 A thangka depicting Trowo Tsochog Kagying, Tibet, circa 16th century | 西藏 約十六世紀 措秋卡央唐卡 設色布本
21 A rare thangka depicting Maitreya with Avalokiteshvara & Vajrapani in Tushita heaven, Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏 十七至十八世紀 彌勒佛唐卡 設色布本
22 A rare and important thangka depicting Guhyasamaja, Tibet, 15th century | 西藏 十五世紀 密集金剛唐卡 設色布本
23 A finely drawn thangka depicting Bhaishajyaguru, West Tibet, 15th century | 西藏西 十五世紀 藥師佛唐卡 設色布本
24 A thangka depicting a Nyingma protector deity, Tibet, 19th century | 西藏 十九世紀 寧瑪派護法唐卡 設色布本
25 A thangka depicting Drala Tatug Karpo, Inner Mongolia, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 內蒙古 清十八世紀 威勝天王唐卡 設色布本
26 A thangka depicting Chime Tsugpu, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 晉美祖普唐卡 設色布本
27 A thangka depicting Jataka tale, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 佛本生故事唐卡 設色布本
28 A rare thangka depicting Kunzang Gyalwa Dupa, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 貢桑嘉瓦堆巴唐卡 設色布本
29 A rare thangka depicting Mahasiddha Damarupa and Avadhutipa, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 大成就者札瑪如巴及阿瓦度帝巴唐卡 設色布本
30 A gilt-copper alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅合金十一面觀世音菩薩立像
31 A large gilt-bronze standing figure of Maitreya, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅彌勒佛立像
32 A gilt-bronze figure of Vajrabhairava and Vajravetali, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 銅鎏金大威德金剛與白達里空行母雙修像
33 A rare gilt-copper figure of Prajnaparamita, Nepal, 16th century | 尼泊爾 十六世紀 銅鎏金般若佛母坐像
34 A finely cast gilt-bronze figure of Shakyamuni Buddha, Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 鎏金銅釋迦牟尼佛坐像
35 A rare Zanabazar school gilt-bronze figure of Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Mongolia, 18th century | 蒙古 十八世紀 扎那巴扎爾風格 鎏金銅藥師佛坐像
36 A gilt-copper alloy head of a tantric figure, Tibet or Mongolia, circa 18th century | 西藏或蒙古 約十八世紀 鎏金銅合金首像
37 A pair of gilt-copper deer figures, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金鹿像一對
38 A rare gilt-bronze standing figure of Udayana Buddha, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金優塡王佛立像
39 A large silver and copper inlaid bronze figure of Amitabha Buddha, Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 銅錯紅銅嵌銀阿彌陀佛坐像
40 A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th/14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組三十件
41 A study collection of twenty-eight ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th/14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組二十八件
42 A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件
43 A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件
44 A study collection of thirty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 8th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 八至十四世紀 托查一組三十七件
45 A study collection of thirty-four ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組三十四件
46 A study collection of forty ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 11th/17th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 十一至十七世紀 托查一組四十件
47 A study collection of twenty-six ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組二十六件
48 A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組三十件