Ancient Civilisations – Neolithic Pottery including the Collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf
Ancient Civilisations – Neolithic Pottery including the Collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf
Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection | Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏
May 25, 03:26 AM GMT
20,000 - 30,000 HKD
Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection
A white pottery tripod ewer
Early Bronze Age, Xia dynasty, 2nd millennium B.C.
Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏
青銅時代初 夏朝 白陶盉
29.5 cm
Ronald W. Longsdorf, 《陶誌:中國新石器時代陶器 約公元前7000年 – 前1000年》,香港,2020年,圖版89
Characterised by an elongated body terminating in three tapering bulbous feet and applied with a striated strap handle, with the fitted cover cut out from the integrated domed top, the present ewer is a classic form found in early Bronze Age, attributed to the Xia dynasty.
The surviving examples of this form were mainly excavated from burial tombs in opposed to habitation sites, suggesting these were probably reserved for rituals or the afterlife.
See a larger example from the Muwentang collection, illustrated in Simon Kwan, Chinese Neolithic pottery, Hong Kong, 2005, pl. 133.
本陶盉器身修長,三足尾端修尖,鋬帶條紋,盉蓋切割自圓頂 ,青銅時代初期典型,斷代夏朝。