1 An inscribed archaic bronze ritual food vessel cover, Late Western Zhou dynasty | 西周末 史□父簋蓋
2 An inscribed archaic bronze ritual wine vessel (Zhi), Early Western Zhou dynasty | 西周初 □父乙觶
3 An inscribed archaic bronze ritual wine vessel (Jue), Late Shang dynasty | 商末 父戊爵
4 Two fragments of a ceremonial bone spatula, Shang dynasty | 商 骨雕殘片兩件
5 An exceptionally rare white marble figure of a turtle, Shang dynasty | 商 大理石龜
6 A rare inscribed archaic bronze ritual food vessel (Ding), Late Western Zhou dynasty / Early Spring and Autumn period | 西周末 / 春秋初 戴叔朕鼎
7 A gold, turquoise and malachite-inlaid bronze weight, Early Western Han dynasty | 西漢初 銅錯金嵌寶虎獵羊形鎮
8 An extremely rare white marble 'grain measure' cup, Song dynasty | 宋 大理石柳斗紋盃
9 A gray and celadon jade 'phoenix' inkstone, Ming dynasty | 明 青灰玉雕鳳形硯
10 A carved cinnabar lacquer octagonal box and cover, Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 剔紅壽老童子紋八方蓋盒
11 A large blue and white 'lotus bouquet' charger, Ming dynasty, Yongle period | 明永樂 青花一把蓮紋大盤
12 An Arabic-inscribed bronze tripod censer, Mark and period of Zhengde | 明正德 銅阿拉伯文三足鬲式爐 《正德年製》款
13 A parcel-gilt bronze luduan-form censer, 17th century | 十七世紀 銅局部鎏金甪端形熏爐
14 A rare archaistic parcel-gilt bronze tripod censer, Mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅灑金夔龍紋出戟三足爐 《大清乾隆年製》款
15 A rare pair of bronze 'dragon' tripod censers, Marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅雲龍戲珠紋朝冠耳三足爐一對
16 A pale green jade censer and cover, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 青玉雕鳳鈕獸面紋蓋爐 《樂壽堂御玩》款
17 A spinach-green jade bowl and spoon, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 碧玉盌及勺 盌:《大清乾隆年製》款
18 A large soapstone seal, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 壽山石雕瑞獸鈕印
19 A white jade 'dragon' seal, Qing dynasty, 18th /19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 白玉螭龍鈕雙印
20 A famille-verte 'birthday' dish, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 五彩麻姑獻壽圖盤 《大清康熙年製》款
21 A pair of black-ground famille-verte dishes, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 墨地五彩纏枝蓮紋盤一對 《大清雍正年製》款
22 An extremely rare Jun-imitation robin's-egg-glazed tripod flower pot stand, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 爐鈞釉三足托盤 《雍正年製》款
23 A rare gilt-decorated famille-rose vase, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 粉彩描金人物圖瓶
24 A large and important imperially inscribed pale green jade 'luohan' boulder, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 青玉雕嘎納嘎巴薩尊者山子
25 An unusual inscribed jadeite-imitation glass brushpot, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 綠料仿翠玉筆筒
26 A pale celadon jade figure of a luohan, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 青白玉雕羅漢坐像
27 An imperially inscribed and gilt spinach-green jade book leaf, Dated Qianlong bingyin year, corresponding to 1746 | 清乾隆丙寅年 (1746年) 青玉描金龍紋版冊
28 An inscribed and gilt spinach-green jade book leaf, Qing dynasty, dated guichou year, probably corresponding to 1793 | 清癸丑年(或為1793年) 青玉描金版冊
29 A white jade seal, Qing dynasty, dated Jiaqing yichou, corresponding to 1805 | 清嘉慶乙丑年 (1805年) 白玉柱鈕印
30 Military landscapes, ink and color on silk, album of fifteen leaves | 無款(十八/十九世紀) 從戎西藏軍陣圖 設色絹本 十五開冊
31 Landscapes and figures, ink and color on silk, album of eight leaves | 溥儒 1896-1963 山居圖 設色絹本 八開冊
32 Rice cultivation and scenes from daily life, ink and color on paper, a set of twenty-two leaves | 無款(清) 耕織圖 設色紙本 二十二頁
33 A green jade cong, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代 良渚文化 玉琮
34 A pair of small green jade bird-form pendants, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 玉鳥形飾一對
35 A pale green jade ornament, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周 春秋 玉勾雲紋飾
36 A small pale green jade hare-form pendant, Early Western Zhou dynasty | 西周初 玉兔形飾
37 An extremely rare inscribed brown jade ceremonial blade (Zhang), Neolithic period | 新石器時代 玉璋
38 An important and rare archaic bronze ritual wine vessel and cover (Fang Yi), Late Shang Dynasty, Anyang, 12th Century BC | 商末 安陽 公元前十二世紀 得方彝
39 An inscribed archaic bronze pouring vessel (Yi), Late Western Zhou dynasty | 西周末 青銅獸體紋龍鋬夔足匜
40 An archaic bronze bell (Bo), Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周 春秋 青銅蟠螭紋鎛
41 A bronze chariot fitting, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青銅獸面紋車軸飾
42 A small bronze buffalo head-form fitting, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青銅牛首形飾
43 A small bronze 'mythical beast' pole finial, Shang dynasty | 商 青銅獸面紋杖首
44 A rare bronze cylindrical box and cover, Warring States period | 戰國 青銅鳥獸紋蓋筒
45 A turquoise and gold-inlaid bronze belt hook, Warring States period | 戰國 銅錯金嵌綠松石帶鉤
46 A gilt, silvered and turquoise-inlaid bronze belt hook, Warring States period | 戰國 銅鎏金銀嵌綠松石帶鉤
47 An inscribed gold-inlaid bronze tiger tally (Hufu), Qin dynasty or later | 秦或以後 銅錯金陽陵虎符
48 A rare inscribed gray pottery ink stone, Han dynasty, dated Jianchu 5th year, corresponding to 80 AD | 漢 建初五年 (公元80年)石箕形灰陶硯