Two Americans in Paris, The Collection of Sam and Myrna Myers

Two Americans in Paris, The Collection of Sam and Myrna Myers

Two Americans in Paris, The Collection of Sam and Myrna Myers

Two Americans in Paris, The Collection of Sam and Myrna Myers

14 October - 4 November 2021 • London

A wucai sleeve vase 17th century | 清十七世紀 五彩獻壽圖筒瓶

301 A wucai sleeve vase 17th century | 清十七世紀 五彩獻壽圖筒瓶

A blue and white 'river landscape' sleeve vase Transitional Period, circa 1640 | 明末清初 青花山水圖筒瓶

302 A blue and white 'river landscape' sleeve vase Transitional Period, circa 1640 | 明末清初 青花山水圖筒瓶

A polychrome 'Immortals' baluster jar 17th century | 十七世紀 五彩神仙紋罐

303 A polychrome 'Immortals' baluster jar 17th century | 十七世紀 五彩神仙紋罐

A pair of large wucai 'immortals' jars and covers Transitional period, circa 1640's | 明末清初 五彩瑤池神仙圖大蓋罐一對

304 A pair of large wucai 'immortals' jars and covers Transitional period, circa 1640's | 明末清初 五彩瑤池神仙圖大蓋罐一對

A blue and white circular box and cover Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花高士圖圓蓋盒

305 A blue and white circular box and cover Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花高士圖圓蓋盒

A blue and white 'rabbit' bottle vase transitional period, circa 1640 | 明末清初 青花玉兔錦鷄圖長頸瓶

306 A blue and white 'rabbit' bottle vase transitional period, circa 1640 | 明末清初 青花玉兔錦鷄圖長頸瓶

A blue and white censer and cover transitional period, circa 1640's | 明末清初 青花纏枝蓮紋鏤雕香蓋盒

307 A blue and white censer and cover transitional period, circa 1640's | 明末清初 青花纏枝蓮紋鏤雕香蓋盒

Three blue and white baluster vases and covers Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period | 清康熙 青花瑞獸圖大蓋罐一組三件

308 Three blue and white baluster vases and covers Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period | 清康熙 青花瑞獸圖大蓋罐一組三件

A cloisonne enamel rectangular 'lotus' box and cover Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period| 清康熙 掐絲琺琅纏枝蓮紋長方蓋盒

309 A cloisonne enamel rectangular 'lotus' box and cover Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period| 清康熙 掐絲琺琅纏枝蓮紋長方蓋盒

A kesi 'dragon' panel Ming dynasty | 明 緙絲云龍戲珠紋綉片

310 A kesi 'dragon' panel Ming dynasty | 明 緙絲云龍戲珠紋綉片

A large blue and white 'bird' vase Ming dynasty, Wanli period | 明萬曆 青花百鳥圖大瓶

311 A large blue and white 'bird' vase Ming dynasty, Wanli period | 明萬曆 青花百鳥圖大瓶

A large blue and white 'lotus' vase Ming Dynasty | 明 青花纏枝蓮紋大瓶

312 A large blue and white 'lotus' vase Ming Dynasty | 明 青花纏枝蓮紋大瓶

A metal-mounted wucai sweetmeat box The porcelain mark and period of Wanli, the European mounts later | 明萬曆 五彩花鳥紋攢盤《大明萬曆年製》款

313 A metal-mounted wucai sweetmeat box The porcelain mark and period of Wanli, the European mounts later | 明萬曆 五彩花鳥紋攢盤《大明萬曆年製》款

A blue and white moon flask Ming dynasty | 明 青花玉兔纏枝花卉紋抱月瓶

314 A blue and white moon flask Ming dynasty | 明 青花玉兔纏枝花卉紋抱月瓶

An unusual wucai 'daji' double gourd vase Ming dynasty, wanli period | 明萬曆 五彩福祿萬代大吉紋葫蘆瓶

315 An unusual wucai 'daji' double gourd vase Ming dynasty, wanli period | 明萬曆 五彩福祿萬代大吉紋葫蘆瓶

A small Kinrande ewer and cover Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 五彩描金執壺

316 A small Kinrande ewer and cover Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 五彩描金執壺

A blue and white 'phoenix' ewer Ming Dynasty | 明 青花鳳凰花卉紋執壺

317 A blue and white 'phoenix' ewer Ming Dynasty | 明 青花鳳凰花卉紋執壺

A rare fifth-rank civil official's 'double silver pheasant' rank badge, buzi Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 刺綉五品文官白鷳紋補子

318 A rare fifth-rank civil official's 'double silver pheasant' rank badge, buzi Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 刺綉五品文官白鷳紋補子

A rare second rank military official's badge of a lion, buzi, Ming dynasty, 17th Century | 明十七世紀 刺綉二品武官獅子紋補子

319 A rare second rank military official's badge of a lion, buzi, Ming dynasty, 17th Century | 明十七世紀 刺綉二品武官獅子紋補子

A famille-verte 'wan' shaped brushpot, bitong Qing dynasty, kangxi period | 清康熙 彩繪萬形四季花卉紋筆筒

320 A famille-verte 'wan' shaped brushpot, bitong Qing dynasty, kangxi period | 清康熙 彩繪萬形四季花卉紋筆筒

A rare large famille-verte scroll weight Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 彩繪纏枝花卉紋鎮紙

321 A rare large famille-verte scroll weight Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 彩繪纏枝花卉紋鎮紙

A pair of famille-verte lobed ewers and covers Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 彩繪蝴蝶花卉紋執壺一對

322 A pair of famille-verte lobed ewers and covers Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 彩繪蝴蝶花卉紋執壺一對

A doucai 'Li Taibai' brushpot Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 鬥彩太白醉酒圖筆筒

323 A doucai 'Li Taibai' brushpot Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 鬥彩太白醉酒圖筆筒

A doucai square jardinière Qing dynasty, Yongzheng/Qianlong period | 清雍正/乾隆 鬥彩團龍紋四方小花盆

324 A doucai square jardinière Qing dynasty, Yongzheng/Qianlong period | 清雍正/乾隆 鬥彩團龍紋四方小花盆

A green-enamelled 'dragon' jar Mark and period of qianlong | 清乾隆 白地綠彩雲龍趕珠紋罐 《大清乾隆年製》款

325 A green-enamelled 'dragon' jar Mark and period of qianlong | 清乾隆 白地綠彩雲龍趕珠紋罐 《大清乾隆年製》款

A blue and white 'lotus' moon flask 18th century | 清十八世紀 青花纏枝蓮紋抱月瓶

326 A blue and white 'lotus' moon flask 18th century | 清十八世紀 青花纏枝蓮紋抱月瓶

A large spinach jade ruyi sceptre late Qing dynasty | 晚清 碧玉八吉祥仙鶴紋如意

327 A large spinach jade ruyi sceptre late Qing dynasty | 晚清 碧玉八吉祥仙鶴紋如意

A suit of ceremonial armour Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 御製石青緞繡團龍紋儀仗釘甲一副

328 A suit of ceremonial armour Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 御製石青緞繡團龍紋儀仗釘甲一副

A pair of gilt-lacquer Immortals 17th century | 明十七世紀 漆金木胎神仙立像一對

329 A pair of gilt-lacquer Immortals 17th century | 明十七世紀 漆金木胎神仙立像一對

A finely embroidered satin panel of Amitayus Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏十七/十八世紀 藏青地彩綉佛像

330 A finely embroidered satin panel of Amitayus Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏十七/十八世紀 藏青地彩綉佛像

An appliqué thangka depicting Ratnasambhava Tibet, 18th/19th century | 西藏十八/十九世紀 刺綉寶生佛唐卡

331 An appliqué thangka depicting Ratnasambhava Tibet, 18th/19th century | 西藏十八/十九世紀 刺綉寶生佛唐卡

Gilt copper Buddha Shakyamuni with inset stones Nepal, Early Malla Period (c. 1200-1482) 14th/15th century | 尼泊爾 十四/十五世紀 鎏銅合金佛坐像

332 Gilt copper Buddha Shakyamuni with inset stones Nepal, Early Malla Period (c. 1200-1482) 14th/15th century | 尼泊爾 十四/十五世紀 鎏銅合金佛坐像

A Cizhou type meiping Song dynasty | 宋 磁州黑釉梅瓶

333 A Cizhou type meiping Song dynasty | 宋 磁州黑釉梅瓶

A large Jun bowl Jin Dynasty | 金 鈞窰大碗

334 A large Jun bowl Jin Dynasty | 金 鈞窰大碗

A large qingbai 'dragon and phoenix' ewer Yuan Dynasty | 元 青白釉龍鳳紋執壺

335 A large qingbai 'dragon and phoenix' ewer Yuan Dynasty | 元 青白釉龍鳳紋執壺

A large Longquan celadon 'dragon' dish Yuan Dynasty | 元 龍泉青釉龍紋盤

336 A large Longquan celadon 'dragon' dish Yuan Dynasty | 元 龍泉青釉龍紋盤

A Longquan celadon 'lotus' jar Yuan dynasty | 元 龍泉青釉花卉紋大罐

337 A Longquan celadon 'lotus' jar Yuan dynasty | 元 龍泉青釉花卉紋大罐

A Longquan celadon garden seat Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉青釉牡丹紋綉墩

338 A Longquan celadon garden seat Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉青釉牡丹紋綉墩

A Longquan celadon tripod censer Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉青釉冲耳三足爐

339 A Longquan celadon tripod censer Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉青釉冲耳三足爐

A longquan celadon vase Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉青釉弦紋雙耳瓶

340 A longquan celadon vase Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉青釉弦紋雙耳瓶

A large Longquan celadon barbed dish Early Ming Dynasty | 明初 龍泉青釉折沿大盤

341 A large Longquan celadon barbed dish Early Ming Dynasty | 明初 龍泉青釉折沿大盤

A blue and white 'figural' meiping Ming Dynasty | 明 青花高士圖梅瓶

342 A blue and white 'figural' meiping Ming Dynasty | 明 青花高士圖梅瓶

A rare blue and white 'dragon and phoenix' meiping Yuan Dynaysty | 元 青花龍鳳紋梅瓶

343 A rare blue and white 'dragon and phoenix' meiping Yuan Dynaysty | 元 青花龍鳳紋梅瓶

An archaic bronze sword Warring States period | 戰國 青銅劍

344 An archaic bronze sword Warring States period | 戰國 青銅劍

A bronze blade Shang dynasty | 商 青銅戈

345 A bronze blade Shang dynasty | 商 青銅戈

A gilt copper repoussé Buddhist plaque Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金捶揲胡人犀牛圓牌

346 A gilt copper repoussé Buddhist plaque Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金捶揲胡人犀牛圓牌

A blue and white 'kuixing' table screen Ming dynasty, 16th Century | 明十六世紀 青花魁星踢斗硯屏

347 A blue and white 'kuixing' table screen Ming dynasty, 16th Century | 明十六世紀 青花魁星踢斗硯屏

A pair of blue and white buddhist lions Ming dnyasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 青花瑞獅戯球擺件一對

348 A pair of blue and white buddhist lions Ming dnyasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 青花瑞獅戯球擺件一對