Travel, Photographs, Maps and Natural History
9 November - 17 November 2021 • London
1 Ceylon | Collection of forty-two photographs, circa. 1880s
2 China | Album of photographs of Beijing and the Great Wall, early 1900s
3 China—Tung Hing | Photographic Views of Foochow and Vicinity, [c. 1890; including images from the 1870s]
4 China | Collection of 50 photographs of Canton and Shanghai, circa 1880s
5 China | Collection of 70 photographs of Hong Kong and Canton, and 2 panoramas, circa. 1880s
6 China, Beijing | A very large watercolour of the Summer Palace, Beijing, [Qing dynasty]
7 China—Afong studio | Photograph panorama of Canton, circa. 1923
8 China and Japan—John Thomson, Milton Miller, John Dudgeon, J.C. Watson | Album of early photographs, 1860s
9 China—Thomas Child and others | A collection of photographs of China, circa. 1870s-80s
10 Doolittle | Vocabulary and Handbook of the Chinese Language. Foochow, 1872, photographic terms by Thomson and Dudgeon
11 Du Halde | Description de l'empire de Chine, Paris, 1735, 4 volumes, contemporary calf
12 India | Collection of seventy-three photographs, circa 1880s
13 India | Album of photographs, circa. 1880s
14 India | Collection of forty-seven photographs, circa. 1880s
15 India | Album of photographs, c. 1880s
16 India—Orr and Barton, and others | Collection of sixty-seven photographs, circa. 1880s
17 India, Southeast Asia and Africa | Album of cartes-de-visite, circa. 1860s
18 Japan | Collection of 53 photographs, circa 1880s
19 Japan | Collection of 48 photographs, plus a panorama of Japanese dancers, circa. 1880s
20 Japan | Collection of 73 photographs, many of Hokkaido, including a folding panorama, circa. 1880s
21 Japan—Felice Beato | Album of 50 photographs of Japanese portraits and views. [Yokohama, circa. 1868]
22 Japan—Kusakabe Kimbei and others | Eight photographs of Japanese wrestlers and Samurais, 1880s
23 Java and the East Indies | Collection of 56 photographs, circa. 1880s
24 Ricci and Trigault, De Christiana expeditione ad Sinas, Lyon, 1616, contemporary vellum gilt
25 Siam | A collection of thirty-eight photographs, circa. 1880s
26 Singapore and Southeast Asia | Album of 60 photographs, circa 1880s to early 1900s
27 Tibet and Bhutan—Fritz Kapp and Theodor Parr | Collection of portraits and a view of Darjeeling, circa. 1880s
28 Tibet—Younghusband Expedition | Group of 30 original photographs of Tibet and Sikkim, Henry Martin, c.1910
29 Algeria | Album of photographs, circa. 1880
30 Morocco | San Juan de el Puerto, Mission historial de Marruecos, Seville, 1708, nineteenth-century half calf
31 South Africa | Photograph panorama of Cape Town, circa. 1870
32 South Africa and Madeira | Album of photographs of Cape Colony and Madeira, 1888-89
33 Zanzibar | Five photographs of rulers of Zanzibar, late 19th- and early 20th-century
34 Zanzibar | 115 Zanzibar Gazettes and 61 supplements, 1912-1920
35 Arab Revolt—McMahon and Hussein | Four documents relating to the correspondence between McMahon and Hussein, 1939
36 Arabia | Map of the Arabian Peninsula, AH1325 [c.1907]
37 Arabia | Three maps of Arabia by Ruscelli, Renard and Doughty
38 Arabia—Israel Defence Forces | Neft ba-mizrah ha-tikhon (Oil in the Middle East), folding map, 1957
39 Aramco | The Arabian Peninsula and neighbouring regions: an introductory map, 1952
40 Aramco | Blueprint Map of the Middle East, May 1953
41 Aramco | 24 publicity photographs plus Annual Report in English and Arabic, with pamphlet 'Tapline Operations', 1958
42 Guillaume Abel Blouet | Expédition scientifique de Morée. 1831-1838. 3 volumes, folio, red half morocco
43 Bonfils | Folio volume of large format photographs of Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Constantinople, circa. 1870s
44 Félix Bonfils | Souvenirs d'Orient. Album pittoresque ... de la Terre Sainte. 1877
45 Marie Gabriel Florent Auguste de Choiseul-Gouffier | Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce, Paris, 1809-1822, 3 volumes, green half morocco
46 Charles Cockerell | Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina, and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae, in Arcadia. 1860
47 C.R. Conder and H.H. Kitchener | Map of Western Palestine. Southampton, 1880
48 Vladimir P. Davidov | Atlas ... [Russian text: Views in the Ionian Islands and Greece], St Petersburg, 1839