The Family Collection of the late Countess Mountbatten of Burma

The Family Collection of the late Countess Mountbatten of Burma

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 70. A large lapis-lazuli bowl, China or India, late 19th century | 中國或印度 十九世纪末 青金石海棠式盌.

A large lapis-lazuli bowl, China or India, late 19th century | 中國或印度 十九世纪末 青金石海棠式盌

Auction Closed

March 24, 08:41 PM GMT


1,000 - 1,500 GBP

Lot Details


A large lapis-lazuli bowl

China or India, late 19th century

中國或印度 十九世纪末 青金石海棠式盌

of lobed oval section raised on a slightly splayed foot, the mottled stone with areas of vivid blue and suffused with gold flecks 

19.6 cm wide

Please note the following amendments to the printed catalogue 請注意以下拍品之修正: The Guarantee Line should read: A large lapis-lazuli bowl, China or India, late 19th century. Please note the estimate for this lot should read £1,000-1,500, and not as stated in the printed catalogue.
James Stewart Hodgson (1827-1899);
Agatha, Marchioness of Sligo (1866-1965).