The Family Collection of the late Countess Mountbatten of Burma

The Family Collection of the late Countess Mountbatten of Burma

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 49. A gilt-bronze mounted marble veneered pedestal, early 19th century.

A gilt-bronze mounted marble veneered pedestal, early 19th century

Auction Closed

March 24, 08:41 PM GMT


3,000 - 5,000 GBP

Lot Details


A gilt-bronze mounted marble veneered pedestal

early 19th century

the bardiglio marble upper section with later mounts, the central green marble veneered section with three tiers of classical figures riding chariots separated by mouldings and festoons, the bardiglio base, probably earlier and with finely chased ribbon-tied vine garlands, restoration

134cm. high

H. Avray Tipping, ‘Mersham le Hatch’, Country Life, 8 August 1925, photographed in the hall, p. 219;
H. Avray Tipping, English Homes, Late Georgian, 1760-1820, London, 1926, in situ, p. 124;
Christopher Hussey, English Country Houses, Mid Georgian 1760-1800, London, 1984, in situ, p. 100.