Snuff Bottles From A German Private Collection

Snuff Bottles From A German Private Collection

Snuff Bottles From A German Private Collection

93 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

93 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)

A Pink and Green Double-Overlay Glass 'Flowers and Archaistic Bronze Vessel' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套粉綠料花籃式鼻煙壺

3001 A Pink and Green Double-Overlay Glass 'Flowers and Archaistic Bronze Vessel' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套粉綠料花籃式鼻煙壺

An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Dated Wuwu Year, Corresponding to 1978 | 戊午(1978年) 王習三作瑪瑙內畫鼻煙壺 《戊午秋月王習三作》款

3002 An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Dated Wuwu Year, Corresponding to 1978 | 戊午(1978年) 王習三作瑪瑙內畫鼻煙壺 《戊午秋月王習三作》款

A Canton Enamel 'European Subject' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯西洋人物圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

3003 A Canton Enamel 'European Subject' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯西洋人物圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

A Six-Colour Overlay Glass 'Fish and Lotus Flowers' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套六色彩料蓮塘鼻煙壺

3004 A Six-Colour Overlay Glass 'Fish and Lotus Flowers' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套六色彩料蓮塘鼻煙壺

A White Jade 'Liu Hai and Toad' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉劉海戲金蟾鼻煙壺

3005 A White Jade 'Liu Hai and Toad' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉劉海戲金蟾鼻煙壺

A Famille-Rose and Underglaze-Blue 'Figures' Snuff Bottle Seal Mark and Period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 青花開光粉彩人物鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

3006 A Famille-Rose and Underglaze-Blue 'Figures' Snuff Bottle Seal Mark and Period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 青花開光粉彩人物鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

A Carved Cinnabar Lacquer 'Flowers and Butterflies' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 剔紅蝶戀花鼻煙壺

3007 A Carved Cinnabar Lacquer 'Flowers and Butterflies' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 剔紅蝶戀花鼻煙壺

A Carved Agate 'Horse' Snuff Bottle Suzhou, Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 蘇作瑪瑙巧雕駿馬圖鼻煙壺

3008 A Carved Agate 'Horse' Snuff Bottle Suzhou, Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 蘇作瑪瑙巧雕駿馬圖鼻煙壺

A White Overlay Cobalt-Blue Glass 'Scholar in a Pavilion' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套白料高士圖鼻煙壺

3009 A White Overlay Cobalt-Blue Glass 'Scholar in a Pavilion' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套白料高士圖鼻煙壺

A Turquoise-Glazed Carved 'Dragon' Porcelain Snuff Bottle By Wang Bingrong, Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing - Daoguang Period | 清嘉慶至道光 松綠彩浮雕雲龍逐珠圖鼻煙壺 《王炳榮作》款

3010 A Turquoise-Glazed Carved 'Dragon' Porcelain Snuff Bottle By Wang Bingrong, Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing - Daoguang Period | 清嘉慶至道光 松綠彩浮雕雲龍逐珠圖鼻煙壺 《王炳榮作》款

An Enamel on White Glass 'Landscape' Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Circa 1962-65 | 約1962-65年 王習三作料胎畫琺瑯山水圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》仿款

3011 An Enamel on White Glass 'Landscape' Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Circa 1962-65 | 約1962-65年 王習三作料胎畫琺瑯山水圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》仿款

A Jadeite Double-Gourd Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 翠玉葫蘆形鼻煙壺

3012 A Jadeite Double-Gourd Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 翠玉葫蘆形鼻煙壺

A Lapis Lazuli Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 青金石鼻煙壺

3013 A Lapis Lazuli Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 青金石鼻煙壺

An Inside-Painted 'European Soldier and Liu Hai' Glass Snuff Bottle By Ye Zhongsan, Dated Renyin Year, Corresponding to 1902 | 壬寅(1902年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫「騎兵二等卒」及劉海鼻煙壺 《壬寅秋月葉仲三》款

3014 An Inside-Painted 'European Soldier and Liu Hai' Glass Snuff Bottle By Ye Zhongsan, Dated Renyin Year, Corresponding to 1902 | 壬寅(1902年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫「騎兵二等卒」及劉海鼻煙壺 《壬寅秋月葉仲三》款

A Russet Skin Jade 'Scholar' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 玉雕人物圖鼻煙壺

3015 A Russet Skin Jade 'Scholar' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 玉雕人物圖鼻煙壺

A Beijing Enamel Puce 'Landscape' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎北京畫琺瑯胭脂紅山水鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

3016 A Beijing Enamel Puce 'Landscape' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎北京畫琺瑯胭脂紅山水鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

A Black and White Double-Overlay Turquoise-Blue Glass 'Figures and Sampan' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套黑白料人物圖鼻煙壺

3017 A Black and White Double-Overlay Turquoise-Blue Glass 'Figures and Sampan' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套黑白料人物圖鼻煙壺

A White-Overlay Pink Glass 'Lotus' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 粉紅地套白料蓮瓣式鼻煙壺

3018 A White-Overlay Pink Glass 'Lotus' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 粉紅地套白料蓮瓣式鼻煙壺

An Enamelled Yixing 'Landscape' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 宜興紫砂胎畫彩山水圖鼻煙壺

3019 An Enamelled Yixing 'Landscape' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 宜興紫砂胎畫彩山水圖鼻煙壺

An Inscribed Agate 'Figure, Buddhist Lion and Brocade Ball' Snuff Bottle Suzhou, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 蘇作瑪瑙巧雕胡人戲獅鼻煙壺

3020 An Inscribed Agate 'Figure, Buddhist Lion and Brocade Ball' Snuff Bottle Suzhou, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 蘇作瑪瑙巧雕胡人戲獅鼻煙壺

An Aquamarine 'Three Friends of Winter' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 海藍寶雕歲寒三友圖鼻煙壺

3021 An Aquamarine 'Three Friends of Winter' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 海藍寶雕歲寒三友圖鼻煙壺

A White and Russet Jade 'Buddhist Lions and Brocade Ball' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 白玉巧雕佛獅戲球鼻煙壺

3022 A White and Russet Jade 'Buddhist Lions and Brocade Ball' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 白玉巧雕佛獅戲球鼻煙壺

A Famille-Rose 'Boys' Snuff Bottle Seal Mark and Period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 粉彩登科圖鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

3023 A Famille-Rose 'Boys' Snuff Bottle Seal Mark and Period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 粉彩登科圖鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

An Inside-Painted Glass 'Flower-Seller' Snuff Bottle By Ma Shaoxuan, Circa 1900 | 約1900年 馬少宣作玻璃內畫「息肩圖」鼻煙壺 《少宣作》款 「宣」印

3024 An Inside-Painted Glass 'Flower-Seller' Snuff Bottle By Ma Shaoxuan, Circa 1900 | 約1900年 馬少宣作玻璃內畫「息肩圖」鼻煙壺 《少宣作》款 「宣」印

An Inscribed Jadeite Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period | 清乾隆 翠玉刻詩文鼻煙壺

3025 An Inscribed Jadeite Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period | 清乾隆 翠玉刻詩文鼻煙壺

A Canton Enamel 'Millefleurs' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯百花圖鼻煙壺 《雍正年製》款

3026 A Canton Enamel 'Millefleurs' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯百花圖鼻煙壺 《雍正年製》款

A Yellow and Russet Jade 'Dragons' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period | 清乾隆 黃玉夔龍紋鋪獸首鼻煙壺

3027 A Yellow and Russet Jade 'Dragons' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period | 清乾隆 黃玉夔龍紋鋪獸首鼻煙壺

An Inscribed Puddingstone-Imitation Porcelain Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong - Jiaqing Period | 清乾隆至嘉慶 粉彩仿抱子石光開山水鼻煙壺

3028 An Inscribed Puddingstone-Imitation Porcelain Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong - Jiaqing Period | 清乾隆至嘉慶 粉彩仿抱子石光開山水鼻煙壺

An Inside-Painted Amber 'Cats' Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Dated Dingsi Year, Corresponding to 1977 | 丁巳(1977年) 王習三作琥珀內畫耄耋圖鼻煙壺 《丁巳仲夏作於一壺齋王習三》款

3029 An Inside-Painted Amber 'Cats' Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Dated Dingsi Year, Corresponding to 1977 | 丁巳(1977年) 王習三作琥珀內畫耄耋圖鼻煙壺 《丁巳仲夏作於一壺齋王習三》款

A Five-Colour Overlay Glass 'Fish and Lotus' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白地套五色料荷塘紋鼻煙壺

3030 A Five-Colour Overlay Glass 'Fish and Lotus' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白地套五色料荷塘紋鼻煙壺

A White Jade 'Basket-Weave' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉竹簍紋鼻煙壺

3031 A White Jade 'Basket-Weave' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉竹簍紋鼻煙壺

An Amber Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 琥珀寶鴨鋪首鼻煙壺

3032 An Amber Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 琥珀寶鴨鋪首鼻煙壺

A Beijing Enamel 'Ruby Landscape' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 銅胎北京畫琺瑯胭脂紅山水人物圖鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

3033 A Beijing Enamel 'Ruby Landscape' Snuff Bottle Mark and Period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 銅胎北京畫琺瑯胭脂紅山水人物圖鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

An Inscribed Inside-Painted Glass 'Wen Yanbo' Snuff Bottle By Meng Zishou, Dated Xinhai Year, Corresponding to 1911 | 辛亥(1911年) 孟子受作玻璃內畫文彥博灌水浮球圖鼻煙壺

3034 An Inscribed Inside-Painted Glass 'Wen Yanbo' Snuff Bottle By Meng Zishou, Dated Xinhai Year, Corresponding to 1911 | 辛亥(1911年) 孟子受作玻璃內畫文彥博灌水浮球圖鼻煙壺

An Yixing Slip-Decorated Snuff Bottle Liangming Tang Zhang Hall Mark, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 宜興紫砂堆料加彩梅花山水鼻煙壺 《兩銘堂張》款

3035 An Yixing Slip-Decorated Snuff Bottle Liangming Tang Zhang Hall Mark, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 宜興紫砂堆料加彩梅花山水鼻煙壺 《兩銘堂張》款

A Black and White Jade Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period | 清乾隆 墨白玉光素鼻煙壺

3036 A Black and White Jade Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period | 清乾隆 墨白玉光素鼻煙壺

A Blue-Overlay Glass 'Bats and Peach' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀  雪霏地套藍料福壽鼻煙壺

3037 A Blue-Overlay Glass 'Bats and Peach' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 雪霏地套藍料福壽鼻煙壺

An Agate 'Horse' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 瑪瑙巧雕人物駿馬圖鼻煙壺

3038 An Agate 'Horse' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 瑪瑙巧雕人物駿馬圖鼻煙壺

A Four-Colour Overlay Glass 'Mandarin Ducks' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 雪霏地套四色彩料荷塘鴛鴦鼻煙壺

3039 A Four-Colour Overlay Glass 'Mandarin Ducks' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 雪霏地套四色彩料荷塘鴛鴦鼻煙壺

An Agate 'Buddhist Lion and Boy' Snuff Bottle Suzhou, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 蘇作瑪瑙「太獅少獅」鼻煙壺

3040 An Agate 'Buddhist Lion and Boy' Snuff Bottle Suzhou, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 蘇作瑪瑙「太獅少獅」鼻煙壺

An Inside-Painted Rock-Crystal 'Birds and Flowers' Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Dated Yimao Year, Corresponding to 1975 | 丁卯(1975年) 王習三作水晶內畫花鳥圖鼻煙壺 《丁卯秋末王習三作》款

3041 An Inside-Painted Rock-Crystal 'Birds and Flowers' Snuff Bottle By Wang Xisan, Dated Yimao Year, Corresponding to 1975 | 丁卯(1975年) 王習三作水晶內畫花鳥圖鼻煙壺 《丁卯秋末王習三作》款

A White Jade 'Chilong' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉穿花螭龍鼻煙壺

3042 A White Jade 'Chilong' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉穿花螭龍鼻煙壺

Two Fossiliferous Limestone Snuff Bottles Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 石化石灰石鼻煙壺兩件

3043 Two Fossiliferous Limestone Snuff Bottles Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 石化石灰石鼻煙壺兩件

A Black Stone Carved 'Spanish Coin' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 黑石浮雕西班牙錢幣圖鼻煙壺

3044 A Black Stone Carved 'Spanish Coin' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 黑石浮雕西班牙錢幣圖鼻煙壺

A Yellow and Russet Jade 'Mythical Landscape' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 黃玉海屋添籌鼻煙壺

3045 A Yellow and Russet Jade 'Mythical Landscape' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 黃玉海屋添籌鼻煙壺

A Blue and Red-Overlay White Glass 'Fish and Crab' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套紅藍料魚藻紋鼻煙壺

3046 A Blue and Red-Overlay White Glass 'Fish and Crab' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套紅藍料魚藻紋鼻煙壺

A Carved Amber 'Equestrian in Forest' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 蜜蠟浮雕桃菊馬上人物鼻煙壺

3047 A Carved Amber 'Equestrian in Forest' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 蜜蠟浮雕桃菊馬上人物鼻煙壺

A Carved Coral 'Monkey' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century  | 清十八至十九世紀 珊瑚雕靈猴紋鼻煙壺

3048 A Carved Coral 'Monkey' Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century | 清十八至十九世紀 珊瑚雕靈猴紋鼻煙壺