Old Masters Evening Sale

Old Masters Evening Sale

Old Masters Evening Sale

Old Masters Evening Sale

6 December - 8 December 2021 • London

Portrait of a bearded man, half-length, wearing a black hat 《蓄鬍子戴黑帽的男子半身像》

1 Portrait of a bearded man, half-length, wearing a black hat 《蓄鬍子戴黑帽的男子半身像》

The Four Seasons 《四季》

4 The Four Seasons 《四季》

The Abduction of Ganymede 《強擄蓋尼米德》

5 The Abduction of Ganymede 《強擄蓋尼米德》

Portrait of Jacob de Witte; Portrait of Maria Nutius 《雅各布・德維特畫像;瑪莉亞・努提烏斯畫像》

6 Portrait of Jacob de Witte; Portrait of Maria Nutius 《雅各布・德維特畫像;瑪莉亞・努提烏斯畫像》

Still life of flowers in a vase with a bird's nest upon a marble ledge《靜物:大理石臺上的一瓶鮮花與鳥巢》

7 Still life of flowers in a vase with a bird's nest upon a marble ledge《靜物:大理石臺上的一瓶鮮花與鳥巢》

A peasant offering a cock to his companion; a fisherman offering a fish to his companion 《農夫向女伴獻公雞;漁夫向女伴獻魚》

8 A peasant offering a cock to his companion; a fisherman offering a fish to his companion 《農夫向女伴獻公雞;漁夫向女伴獻魚》

Landscape with a rowing boat beside riverside cottages 《風景:河面小舟與河邊小屋》

9 Landscape with a rowing boat beside riverside cottages 《風景:河面小舟與河邊小屋》

Winter landscape with an elegant couple in a horse-drawn sledge on a frozen waterway by a windmill 《冬日風景:風車旁結冰水道馬拉雪橇上的男女》

10 Winter landscape with an elegant couple in a horse-drawn sledge on a frozen waterway by a windmill 《冬日風景:風車旁結冰水道馬拉雪橇上的男女》

Summer; Winter 《夏;冬》

11 Summer; Winter 《夏;冬》

Fishermen on the beach at Egmond-aan-Zee, with boats, figures and their catch on the shore 《艾格蒙特海灘上的漁民,岸上的人、漁船與漁獲》

12 Fishermen on the beach at Egmond-aan-Zee, with boats, figures and their catch on the shore 《艾格蒙特海灘上的漁民,岸上的人、漁船與漁獲》

Still life of a tulip and other flowers with a melon upon a ledge《靜物:臺上的一枝鬱金香、鮮花與瓜》

13 Still life of a tulip and other flowers with a melon upon a ledge《靜物:臺上的一枝鬱金香、鮮花與瓜》

The Crucifixion 《耶穌被釘十字架》

14 The Crucifixion 《耶穌被釘十字架》

The Virgin and Child before a landscape 《聖母與聖嬰坐像》

15 The Virgin and Child before a landscape 《聖母與聖嬰坐像》

Saint Agnes 《聖依搦斯》

16 Saint Agnes 《聖依搦斯》

Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi 《聖瑪利亞・瑪達肋納・帕齊》

17 Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi 《聖瑪利亞・瑪達肋納・帕齊》

Saint Bartholomew    《聖巴爾多祿茂》

18 Saint Bartholomew 《聖巴爾多祿茂》

Venus and Cupid, a landscape beyond  《維納斯與邱比特,身後為遠方風景》

19 Venus and Cupid, a landscape beyond 《維納斯與邱比特,身後為遠方風景》

Still life of shells and coral on a table draped with a green cloth 《靜物:桌上的貝殼與珊瑚,鋪綠色桌布》

21 Still life of shells and coral on a table draped with a green cloth 《靜物:桌上的貝殼與珊瑚,鋪綠色桌布》

Still life with a Chinese ginger jar, a porcelain bowl, a glass roemer and other objects of vertu, with a half-peeled lemon, orange, and melon, all on a marble ledge draped with a Persian carpet 《靜物:大理石臺上的瓷薑罐、瓷盌、玻璃大酒杯與其他工藝品,半削皮檸檬、橙與蜜瓜,鋪波斯毯》

22 Still life with a Chinese ginger jar, a porcelain bowl, a glass roemer and other objects of vertu, with a half-peeled lemon, orange, and melon, all on a marble ledge draped with a Persian carpet 《靜物:大理石臺上的瓷薑罐、瓷盌、玻璃大酒杯與其他工藝品,半削皮檸檬、橙與蜜瓜,鋪波斯毯》

Winter landscape with figures skating and sledging with horses on a frozen river 《冬日風景:結冰河面上的溜冰民眾與馬拉雪橇》

23 Winter landscape with figures skating and sledging with horses on a frozen river 《冬日風景:結冰河面上的溜冰民眾與馬拉雪橇》

An evening landscape with drovers and their animals by a river 《傍晚風景:河邊的牧人與牲畜》

24 An evening landscape with drovers and their animals by a river 《傍晚風景:河邊的牧人與牲畜》

Evening or The Interrupted Sleep (Le sommeil interrompu) 《傍晚》或《被打擾的淺眠》

25 Evening or The Interrupted Sleep (Le sommeil interrompu) 《傍晚》或《被打擾的淺眠》

The Offering to Love (L'Offrande à l'Amour) 《獻給愛神的祭品》

26 The Offering to Love (L'Offrande à l'Amour) 《獻給愛神的祭品》

A Dance on a bank of the River Manzanares (Un baile a orilla del Río Manzanares) 《曼薩納雷斯河畔舞會》

27 A Dance on a bank of the River Manzanares (Un baile a orilla del Río Manzanares) 《曼薩納雷斯河畔舞會》

A pair of views of Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati 《弗拉斯卡蒂的阿多布蘭迪尼別墅風景畫一對》

28 A pair of views of Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati 《弗拉斯卡蒂的阿多布蘭迪尼別墅風景畫一對》

View of Westminster Bridge with neighbouring houses, London 《倫敦西敏橋與鄰近市景》

29 View of Westminster Bridge with neighbouring houses, London 《倫敦西敏橋與鄰近市景》

The Recovery of His Majesty in the Year 1789 《1789年英王病癒》

30 The Recovery of His Majesty in the Year 1789 《1789年英王病癒》

Cilgerran Castle, Wales 《威爾斯吉爾格蘭城堡》

31 Cilgerran Castle, Wales 《威爾斯吉爾格蘭城堡》

The Glebe Farm 《教區農場》

32 The Glebe Farm 《教區農場》

Colliers unloading on Hove Beach, looking towards Shoreham, Brighton《荷夫灘上卸貨的運煤船,遠眺布萊頓索爾海姆》

33 Colliers unloading on Hove Beach, looking towards Shoreham, Brighton《荷夫灘上卸貨的運煤船,遠眺布萊頓索爾海姆》

A woodland scene 《樹林一景》

34 A woodland scene 《樹林一景》

Winter in Prague 《冬日布拉格》

35 Winter in Prague 《冬日布拉格》

The Old Captain’s House, Winter Afternoon 《冬日午後的老船長家》

36 The Old Captain’s House, Winter Afternoon 《冬日午後的老船長家》