Old Masters Evening Sale

Old Masters Evening Sale

Old Masters Evening Sale

A portable triptych: The Crucifixion with Saints John, Mary and a companion (central panel); Saint Veronica and a companion (left wing); Saint Mary Magdalene and a companion (right wing) | 《小型三聯作:十字架苦像與聖約翰、瑪利亞及同伴(中央畫板);聖韋羅尼加與同伴(左翼);聖抹大拉的馬利亞與同伴(右翼)》

1 A portable triptych: The Crucifixion with Saints John, Mary and a companion (central panel); Saint Veronica and a companion (left wing); Saint Mary Magdalene and a companion (right wing) | 《小型三聯作:十字架苦像與聖約翰、瑪利亞及同伴(中央畫板);聖韋羅尼加與同伴(左翼);聖抹大拉的馬利亞與同伴(右翼)》

Saint Jerome in the wilderness | 《荒野上的聖杰羅姆》

2 Saint Jerome in the wilderness | 《荒野上的聖杰羅姆》

The Virgin and Child | 《聖母與聖嬰》

3 The Virgin and Child | 《聖母與聖嬰》

Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child in an extensive river landscape | 《聖克里斯多福揹著聖嬰橫渡大河》

4 Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child in an extensive river landscape | 《聖克里斯多福揹著聖嬰橫渡大河》

The Crucifixion |《十字架苦像》

5 The Crucifixion |《十字架苦像》

Landscape with Saint Jerome | 《聖杰羅姆與風景》

6 Landscape with Saint Jerome | 《聖杰羅姆與風景》

The Holy Family with Saints Catherine and Ursula | 《聖家與聖凱薩琳及烏蘇拉》

7 The Holy Family with Saints Catherine and Ursula | 《聖家與聖凱薩琳及烏蘇拉》

The Flight into Egypt, in a mountainous river landscape | 《逃往埃及,山河景觀》

8 The Flight into Egypt, in a mountainous river landscape | 《逃往埃及,山河景觀》

A jester: a grotesque head of a fool brandishing a wooden spoon | 《小丑:揮舞木匙的趣怪愚人頭像》


A jester: a grotesque head of a fool brandishing a wooden spoon | 《小丑:揮舞木匙的趣怪愚人頭像》

The Legend of the Four Crowned Martyrs | 《四加冕殉教者之傳說》

10 The Legend of the Four Crowned Martyrs | 《四加冕殉教者之傳說》

A triptych: The Virgin and Child enthroned in a landscape contiguous with the wings (central panel); Saint Philip (left wing); St Helen and a Donatrix in the habit of a Benedictine nun (right wing) | 《三聯作:聖母與聖嬰加冕,後方風景延綿至左右兩翼(中央畫板);聖菲利普(左翼);聖海倫與穿本篤會修女服的女布施者(右翼)》

11 A triptych: The Virgin and Child enthroned in a landscape contiguous with the wings (central panel); Saint Philip (left wing); St Helen and a Donatrix in the habit of a Benedictine nun (right wing) | 《三聯作:聖母與聖嬰加冕,後方風景延綿至左右兩翼(中央畫板);聖菲利普(左翼);聖海倫與穿本篤會修女服的女布施者(右翼)》

Saint Augustine and Saint Odilia | 《聖奧古斯丁與聖奧迪利亞》

12 Saint Augustine and Saint Odilia | 《聖奧古斯丁與聖奧迪利亞》

A lavish still life of many flowers in a terracotta vase resting on a wooden ledge, flanked by a clump of cyclamen and scattered diamonds and sapphires | 《靜物:木檯上赤陶瓶中的絢爛花卉,伴一簇仙客來、幾顆鑽石及藍寶石》

13 A lavish still life of many flowers in a terracotta vase resting on a wooden ledge, flanked by a clump of cyclamen and scattered diamonds and sapphires | 《靜物:木檯上赤陶瓶中的絢爛花卉,伴一簇仙客來、幾顆鑽石及藍寶石》

Family portrait of the painter Cornelis de Vos and his wife Suzanna Cock and their two eldest children, Magdalena and Jan-Baptist | 《畫家科尼利厄斯・德・沃斯、其妻蘇珊娜・考克與長子女馬格達萊納和揚・巴普蒂斯的全家福》

14 Family portrait of the painter Cornelis de Vos and his wife Suzanna Cock and their two eldest children, Magdalena and Jan-Baptist | 《畫家科尼利厄斯・德・沃斯、其妻蘇珊娜・考克與長子女馬格達萊納和揚・巴普蒂斯的全家福》

Venus with Cupid stealing honey | 《採蜜的維納斯與丘比特》

15 Venus with Cupid stealing honey | 《採蜜的維納斯與丘比特》

A wooded estuary with a ferry and fishermen selling their catch | 《樹木繁茂的河口、渡船與售賣漁獲的漁夫》

16 A wooded estuary with a ferry and fishermen selling their catch | 《樹木繁茂的河口、渡船與售賣漁獲的漁夫》

The Temptation of Saint Anthony | 《聖安東尼的試探》

17 The Temptation of Saint Anthony | 《聖安東尼的試探》

A still life of spring flowers in a glass vase on a table | 《靜物:桌上玻璃瓶中的春日花卉》

18 A still life of spring flowers in a glass vase on a table | 《靜物:桌上玻璃瓶中的春日花卉》

Flowers in a vase on a stone ledge, with redcurrants and shells | 《靜物:石架上的瓶花、紅加侖子與貝殼》

19 Flowers in a vase on a stone ledge, with redcurrants and shells | 《靜物:石架上的瓶花、紅加侖子與貝殼》

Landscape with a view of Bad Schwalbach in the Taunus | 《陶努斯山巴特施瓦爾巴赫景觀》

20 Landscape with a view of Bad Schwalbach in the Taunus | 《陶努斯山巴特施瓦爾巴赫景觀》

A wooded river landscape | 《林木繁茂的河景》

21 A wooded river landscape | 《林木繁茂的河景》

Floral still life including tulips and roses, in a glass beaker upon a stone ledge | 《靜物:石架上的玻璃瓶花、鬱金香與玫瑰》

22 Floral still life including tulips and roses, in a glass beaker upon a stone ledge | 《靜物:石架上的玻璃瓶花、鬱金香與玫瑰》

Flowers in a vase on a stone ledge with a sea shell and a grasshopper | 《靜物:石架上的瓶花、一個貝殼和一隻草蜢》

23 Flowers in a vase on a stone ledge with a sea shell and a grasshopper | 《靜物:石架上的瓶花、一個貝殼和一隻草蜢》

A vanitas still life with a broken roemer, an upturned tazza and a peeled lemon, all on a ledge | 《虛空派靜物畫:石架上的破酒杯、倒轉的扁花瓶與去皮檸檬》

24 A vanitas still life with a broken roemer, an upturned tazza and a peeled lemon, all on a ledge | 《虛空派靜物畫:石架上的破酒杯、倒轉的扁花瓶與去皮檸檬》

A winter landscape with figures ice skating, a village and castle beyond | 《滑雪遊人冬日景緻,遠眺城堡與村莊》

25 A winter landscape with figures ice skating, a village and castle beyond | 《滑雪遊人冬日景緻,遠眺城堡與村莊》

The Virgin and Child with Saints Lawrence and Catherine of Alexandria | 《聖母與聖嬰、聖勞倫斯及亞歷山大的凱薩琳》

27 The Virgin and Child with Saints Lawrence and Catherine of Alexandria | 《聖母與聖嬰、聖勞倫斯及亞歷山大的凱薩琳》

Portrait of a man, seated, with his dog |《坐著的男子與一隻小狗》

28 Portrait of a man, seated, with his dog |《坐著的男子與一隻小狗》

The Virgin and Child enthroned with a bishop saint and Saint Francis | 《聖母與聖嬰加冕,主教聖人及聖方濟各在旁》

29 The Virgin and Child enthroned with a bishop saint and Saint Francis | 《聖母與聖嬰加冕,主教聖人及聖方濟各在旁》

The Interior of a Gothic Church | 《哥德式教堂內部》

30 The Interior of a Gothic Church | 《哥德式教堂內部》

The fishing fleet coming ashore at Scheveningen, their unloaded catch displayed for sale, and a whaler and a man o' war in the offing | 《在席凡寧根泊岸的漁船,漁夫卸載漁獲,海面上的捕鯨船和戰艦》

31 The fishing fleet coming ashore at Scheveningen, their unloaded catch displayed for sale, and a whaler and a man o' war in the offing | 《在席凡寧根泊岸的漁船,漁夫卸載漁獲,海面上的捕鯨船和戰艦》

A coastal scene with a three-master, a kaag on a broad reach and other small vessels, a penschilderij | 《三桅船、後舷風行駛的帆船及小型輪船海岸風景鋼筆畫》

32 A coastal scene with a three-master, a kaag on a broad reach and other small vessels, a penschilderij | 《三桅船、後舷風行駛的帆船及小型輪船海岸風景鋼筆畫》

Still life of fruit, including lemons, grapes, pears and cherries, together with a hazelnut, all arranged on a table largely draped with a blue cloth | 《靜物:桌子上的檸檬、葡萄、紅梨、櫻桃及一顆榛子,藍色布覆蓋大半桌面》

33 Still life of fruit, including lemons, grapes, pears and cherries, together with a hazelnut, all arranged on a table largely draped with a blue cloth | 《靜物:桌子上的檸檬、葡萄、紅梨、櫻桃及一顆榛子,藍色布覆蓋大半桌面》

A view along a town street with figures | 《城巷人物景觀》

34 A view along a town street with figures | 《城巷人物景觀》

Portrait of a girl, three-quarter length, wearing a pink silk dress and blue wrap, with a parrot in a forest landscape | 《穿粉紅絲綢連衣裙、披藍色披肩、手托鸚鵡的少女的大半身肖像與森林景觀》

35 Portrait of a girl, three-quarter length, wearing a pink silk dress and blue wrap, with a parrot in a forest landscape | 《穿粉紅絲綢連衣裙、披藍色披肩、手托鸚鵡的少女的大半身肖像與森林景觀》

The Oudezijds Heerenlogement, on the confluence of the Grimburgwal and the Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Amsterdam | 《烏德齊耶茲・希倫胡辛旅館,格林伯格瓦爾運河與奧德澤茲・沃爾伯格瓦運河交匯處,阿姆斯特丹》

36 The Oudezijds Heerenlogement, on the confluence of the Grimburgwal and the Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Amsterdam | 《烏德齊耶茲・希倫胡辛旅館,格林伯格瓦爾運河與奧德澤茲・沃爾伯格瓦運河交匯處,阿姆斯特丹》

Still life with flowers in a glass vase, a lemon, an ear of corn, with a snail and butterflies beside a skull | 《靜物:玻璃瓶花與檸檬、玉米穗、蝸牛和骷髏旁的蝴蝶》

37 Still life with flowers in a glass vase, a lemon, an ear of corn, with a snail and butterflies beside a skull | 《靜物:玻璃瓶花與檸檬、玉米穗、蝸牛和骷髏旁的蝴蝶》

Still life with a Chinese ginger jar, silver, objects of vertu, a cut melon, bread, a paper packet in a porcelain bowl, and a pink rose, all on a table draped with a Persian carpet | 《靜物:桌上的瓷薑罐、古董銀器、切開的蜜瓜、麵包、瓷碟上的紙捲與粉紅玫瑰,桌面鋪波斯毛毯》

38 Still life with a Chinese ginger jar, silver, objects of vertu, a cut melon, bread, a paper packet in a porcelain bowl, and a pink rose, all on a table draped with a Persian carpet | 《靜物:桌上的瓷薑罐、古董銀器、切開的蜜瓜、麵包、瓷碟上的紙捲與粉紅玫瑰,桌面鋪波斯毛毯》

Homer and his Muse | 《荷馬與他的繆斯》

39 Homer and his Muse | 《荷馬與他的繆斯》

Still life of peaches on a fruit stand with jasmine flowers and a tulip | 《靜物:果盤上的水蜜桃、茉莉花與鬱金香》

40 Still life of peaches on a fruit stand with jasmine flowers and a tulip | 《靜物:果盤上的水蜜桃、茉莉花與鬱金香》

‘La Pescatrice’ (The Fisherwoman), or An Allegory of Fraud | 《女漁夫》或《欺詐的寓言》

41 ‘La Pescatrice’ (The Fisherwoman), or An Allegory of Fraud | 《女漁夫》或《欺詐的寓言》

A pair of floral still lifes, in lapis and bronze vases on stone plinths | 《靜物畫一對:石基座上的青銅鑲青金石瓶花》

42 A pair of floral still lifes, in lapis and bronze vases on stone plinths | 《靜物畫一對:石基座上的青銅鑲青金石瓶花》

Les villageois à la pêche | 《垂釣的村民》

43 Les villageois à la pêche | 《垂釣的村民》

Le départ pour la pêche | 《出發捕魚》

44 Le départ pour la pêche | 《出發捕魚》

Portrait of Douglas Hamilton, 8th Duke of Hamilton (1756–1799) | 《漢密爾頓公爵八世道格拉斯・漢密爾頓(1756–1799年)的肖像》

45 Portrait of Douglas Hamilton, 8th Duke of Hamilton (1756–1799) | 《漢密爾頓公爵八世道格拉斯・漢密爾頓(1756–1799年)的肖像》

Triple portrait of Emma, Lady Hamilton (1765–1815), as the three Muses | 《裝扮成三位繆斯的愛瑪・漢密爾頓夫人(1765–1815年)肖像》

46 Triple portrait of Emma, Lady Hamilton (1765–1815), as the three Muses | 《裝扮成三位繆斯的愛瑪・漢密爾頓夫人(1765–1815年)肖像》

The Chase: Hunting in Leicestershire | 《追捕:萊斯特郡的狩獵》

47 The Chase: Hunting in Leicestershire | 《追捕:萊斯特郡的狩獵》

Portrait of Prince William, later King William IV of Great Britain (1765–1837), when a midshipman, in naval uniform standing on the deck of HMS Prince George | 《身穿海軍服、站在威爾斯親王號戰艦上、時為見習船員的威廉王子肖像,後為英王威廉四世(1765–1837年)》

48 Portrait of Prince William, later King William IV of Great Britain (1765–1837), when a midshipman, in naval uniform standing on the deck of HMS Prince George | 《身穿海軍服、站在威爾斯親王號戰艦上、時為見習船員的威廉王子肖像,後為英王威廉四世(1765–1837年)》

View of Port Louis, Mauritius from the sea | 《海中眺望毛里求斯路易港》

49 View of Port Louis, Mauritius from the sea | 《海中眺望毛里求斯路易港》