From Taddeo to Tiepolo: The Dr. John O’Brien Collection of Old Master Drawings

From Taddeo to Tiepolo: The Dr. John O’Brien Collection of Old Master Drawings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 214. Recto: Two groups of figures, studies for the Frangipani Chapel, San Marcello al Corso Verso: Studies for the lunette above the altar in the Frangipani Chapel and an architectural design for a wall decoration.

Taddeo Zuccaro

Recto: Two groups of figures, studies for the Frangipani Chapel, San Marcello al Corso Verso: Studies for the lunette above the altar in the Frangipani Chapel and an architectural design for a wall decoration

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January 27, 09:35 PM GMT


180,000 - 220,000 USD

Lot Details


Taddeo Zuccaro

Sant' Angelo in Vado, Marches 1529 - 1566 Rome

Recto: Two groups of figures, studies for the Frangipani Chapel, San Marcello al Corso

Verso: Studies for the lunette above the altar in the Frangipani Chapel and an architectural design for a wall decoration

Black chalk and brown ink and gray and brown wash (recto and verso);

corners cut

340 by 262 mm; 13 1/2 by 10 1/4 in

Giovanni Morelli (according to exhib. cat. Milwaukee, 1989) ;
Francesco Dubini (according to exhib. cat. Milwaukee, 1989);
Dubini-Hoepli Collection (according to exhib. cat. Milwaukee, 1989);
with Armando Neerman, London, Old Master Drawings, 1975, no. 13, reproduced (recto and verso)
E. James Mundy, Renaissance into Baroque, Italian Master Drawings by the Zuccari 1550-1600, exhib. cat., Milwaukee, Art Museum and New York, National Academy of Design, Renaissance into Baroque, 1989-90, p. 90, under no. 15, pp. 94-96, under no. 17;
J.A. Gere, 'Taddeo Zuccaro: Addenda and Corrigenda,' in Master Drawings, vol. 33, 1995, pp. 275-78, no. 138-A, figs. 53-54 (recto and verso);
C. Acidini Luchinat, Taddeo e Federico Zuccari, Fratelli pittori del Cinquecento, Rome 1998, vol. I, p. 71

Milwaukee, Art Museum, and New York, National Academy of Design, Renaissance into Baroque, Italian Master Drawings by the Zuccari 1550-1600, (catalogue E. James Mundy), 1989-90, pp. 96-98, no. 18, reproduced (recto and verso)