From Taddeo to Tiepolo: The Dr. John O’Brien Collection of Old Master Drawings

From Taddeo to Tiepolo: The Dr. John O’Brien Collection of Old Master Drawings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 305. Recto: The Caledonian Boar Hunt Verso: A Female Figure Striding Forward.

Pietro Fancelli

Recto: The Caledonian Boar Hunt Verso: A Female Figure Striding Forward

Auction Closed

January 27, 09:35 PM GMT


3,000 - 4,000 USD

Lot Details


Pietro Fancelli

Bologna 1764 - 1850 Pesaro

Recto: The Caledonian Boar Hunt

Verso: A Female Figure Striding Forward

Pen and brown ink and gray wash over black chalk (recto); Pen and brown ink (verso);

inscribed in brown ink, versoCaccia dipinta a oglio nella villegiatura del Sig:r D. Gaetano Muratori di Calcara per andar a Modena

457 by 610 mm; 18 by 24 in

Polish Historical Society, Paris;
sale, London, Christie's, 4 July 1972, lot 33
As indicated by the inscription to the verso, the present work is a preparatory study for an oil painting previously housed in the villa of Signor Gaetano Muratori at Calcara, on the way to Modena. The commission itself is mentioned by Fancelli in his diary and the painting is today in the collection of the Pinacoteca, Bologna, together with its pendant representing Dido and Aeneas hunting.