7 July - 14 July 2021 • Hong Kong
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2001 A Roman marble torso of Asklepios circa 1st century AD | 約公元一世紀 大理石雕阿斯克勒庇俄斯殘像
2002 A phallic gogotte, Fontainebleau, France, Oligocene (30 million years old), and a coco de mer, Seychelles | 漸新世(三千萬年前)法國楓丹白露宮固結砂岩 非洲塞舌爾群島海椰子
2003 A gilt-bronze seated figure of Green Tara Early 18th century | 十八世紀初 鎏金銅綠度母坐像
2004 Edvard Munch | The women and the Skeleton 女人與骷髏
2005 Xu Guodong 徐國棟 | Lingbi Scholar's Rock #7 文人賞石7(靈璧石)
2006 A Yaozhou 'Jian hare's fur-imitation' bowl Song dynasty | 宋 耀州窰仿建窰兔毫盞
2007 Xai, based on Salvador Dali's painting Executed in 2014 | XAI 據薩爾瓦多.達利畫作而製 2014年作
2008 A small agate cup Qing dynasty | 清 瑪瑙小盃
2009 A jichimu square table with braces 17th - 18th century | 十七至十八世紀 鸂鶒木霸王棖方桌
2010 A fragmentary medieval French limestone head of a bishop 14th century | 十四世紀 法國石灰岩雕戴冠主教頭像殘件
2011 Three old Hong Kong landline telephones | 古老電話一組三件
2012 A white-glazed vase, yuhuchunping Jin dynasty | 金 白釉玉壺春瓶
2013 A marble hand of Buddha Maitreya, Tang dynasty, and a miniature malachite scholar's rock, Qing dynasty | 唐 大理石彌勒菩薩左手殘件 及 清 孔雀供石「碧玲瓏」
2014 A rose quartz incense burner and cover Republican period | 民國 粉晶雙龍活環耳海棠式蓋爐
2015 Sulawesi Macaque, and Owl in Dome | 黑冠獼猴及貓頭鷹標本一組兩件
2016 清十八至十九世紀 青白玉鏤雕福壽瑞芝薰爐 | A celadon jade reticulated 'lingzhi' incense burner Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century
2017 Henri Weigele 亨利.威格勒 | Eve 夏娃
2018 No Title (Japan), Série Situation 2004 | 無題(日本)處境系列2004
2019 An Egyptian dolomite jar Late Predynastic period | 埃及早王國時期末年(約公元前3200-3000年) 白雲石小罐
2020 A limestone fragmentary hand of Buddha Tang dynasty | 唐 石灰岩雕佛教造像右手殘件
2021 Three rare Siberian Yakut guardian spirit masks 19th century | 十九世紀 西伯利亞雅庫特金屬面具三件
2022 A life-size carved statuary marble hand of a lady with ruffled sleeve, possibly by Alexander Munro (1825-1871) executed as a study of the hand of the artist Henrietta Ward (1832-1924) 19th century | 十九世紀 大理石雕女性左手 或乃亞歷山大・孟洛(1825-1871年)臨摹畫家亨麗埃塔.沃德(1832-1924年)玉手之習作
2023 A white jade archaistic incense burner and cover Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 白玉仿古饕餮紋雙獸活環耳四足方蓋爐
2024 French School, 18th century, Trompe-l'œeil with a drawing of a young lady | 十八世紀 法國學院少女肖像布本油畫
2025 A Karatsu tea bowl Japan, Momoyama period, late 16th - early 17th century | 日本安土桃山時代十六世紀末至十七世紀初 唐津燒茶碗
2026 Two Japanese swords Edo Period, 19th century | 日本江戶時代十九世紀 長劍一組兩把
2027 A pink stone standing figure of Guanyin | 粉紅晶石雕觀世音菩薩立像
2028 Li Yuan-Chia 李元佳 | Senza titolo 無題
2029 Bwa mask, Burkina Faso | 非洲布基纳法索布瓦面具
2031 Peter McDonald | Auction Party 拍賣派對
2032 A hardwood marble-inset table Qing dynasty | 清 硬木嵌大理石霸王棖長方桌
2033 Scholar Watching the Crane | 佚名(清初) 梅妻鶴子士隱居
2034 A white-glazed jar Korea, Joseon dynasty | 朝鮮王朝 白釉罐
2035 A jade 'carp' vase Qing dynasty | 清 玉鯉躍龍門瓶
2036 Walasse Ting 丁雄泉 | Untitled (Four Ladies) 無題(四仕女圖)
2037 An agate figure of a lion Han dynasty or later | 漢或更晚 瑪瑙獅子像
2038 A sandstone Celtic head circa 2nd century AD | 約公元二世紀 砂岩石雕凱爾特頭像
2039 A pair of lavender-blue glazed ‘fortune’ ovoid jars and covers Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 粉藍釉「福」字罐一對 《大清乾隆年製》款
2040 Andy Holden | Eyes in Space 太空眼目
2041 A pair of gilt-bronze figures, Qing dynasty, and a bronze archaistic covered vessel, hu, late Ming dynasty | 清 鎏金銅羅漢像一對 及 明末 局部鎏金銅提梁蓋壺
2042 A white jade archaistic 'taotie' incense burner and cover Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉仿古饕餮紋雙龍銜環蓋爐
2043 Adam Neate | The Hug 擁抱
2044 A yellow Lingbi scholar's rock Ming - Qing dynasty | 明至清 黃靈璧供石
2045 A rare polychrome wood figure of Chitipati Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 木雕彩繪屍陀林像
2046 A russet-glazed tea bowl Song dynasty | 宋 醬釉茶盌
2047 A pair of famille-rose 'prunus and cranes' and 'lotus and mountain' plaques Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 粉彩梅妻鶴子與枯荷孤山圖掛屏一對
2048 A white marble inscribed Buddhist fragment Early Tang dynasty, era of Empress Wu Zetian, probably dated 702 | 唐初武周時期(或長安二年) 大理石雕跏趺雙佛殘座
2049 Jean Alexandre Joseph Falguière | Diane (Diana) 黛安